Apartment Inspection with Stealth-tent inside :D


I found this thread earlier today, I will copy the quote so you can see where I'm coming from,
Hey all, I just had one of those tasty half-baked thoughts. If you have a tent or grow cab, can your landlord look in it? Obviously people conceal small grows for the most part. I'm wondering if you had a 10'by10' tent in the basement of a rented house, and your landlord organizes a "fire inspection" or some other horse-hockey in order to sneak and snoop in your dwelling, that YOU pay THEM for, can they ask you to open it like a room?
I'm talking a completely unattached cab or tent.
In addition, I was wondering, if there is no evidence that they can see or smell (light, stank, irregular or excessive power consumption), can the fact that you have a personally owned and fully removable walk-in size container that you will not open be used in order to obtain a warrant?

Laws vary from country to country, state to state, province to province, but I'd love some input on this.If a grower is conducting a safe a responsible grow, and being respectful of their landlords property, I see no reason why they should need to see "whats in the box, man?"
Ok sorry for bumping an old post but this just happened to me yesterday, my landlord and the maintenance guy came in to do the annual inspection, this time I really did not care since I am legal to grow, I checked my plant count, etc, put the rec card inside the tent and tagged all my plants, but mainly my lease is almost up anyways so fuck it i dint hide the tent, get a warrant if u want me out that bad, all my furniture is nice and apt very clean, I'm not destroying nor modifying and I got a career, smoking weed is my medicine and growing plants is a fun hobby to me now, takes off stress and makes me Goddamn happier :D

anyways, I had a 4x4 tent in the corner of the kitchen, I live in the top floor of the corner unit, the top ducting was hooked up to the kitchens stove fan outlet for blowing hot air out through the roof with out modifying the structure, i had the ducting connected to a screw already there, secured, and easy to remove, so when the inspection time came, I just turned fans off , put the ducting behind the tent and lucky plants weren't on yet, the tent was sealed and no smell at all either. I'm currently 2 weeks into flower.

Of course they ask whats inside, I said just storage.. Quickly he asks me if he can see inside..HAHAHHAHAH ( FUCK NO ) But I really said I'm sorry it locked, its just stuff for my parents I"m keeping... MAN did they get quiet...ok, then the mexican maintenance guy was laughing,( He knew what it was for I'm guessing) i tried to keep a straight face too, Yes the manager was kinda freaked out but I din't care, so then they see the top ducting coming out and said what that... I stare up and then I said Oh that's old stuff man, junk just still there BUT ITS NOT connected to anything...Another home run for me...

well he walked around it, looked on top of it, and he had no choice but to say ok nice seeing u and leave. I was nice to him and played it like nothing is happening. I had other cleaning supplies, vaccums n brooms around it to look like that corner is just not being used but to STORE things :D

OK he may, if hes a dick try and kick me out but ask me if i give a fck, lol Maybe ill counter sue him for discrimination against my medical condition if he does ever find out whats inside my tent and tries to kick me out, if not ill take my 1250 deposit back and happily find a better quality place, shit I was just using their free utilities anyways and like how I'm close to work, but I'm thinking of buying a house soon thank God. for my first time grow I am using a 600watt digital ballasts, carbon filter, infiline fans 6", 5 plant supercropped,scrogged, topped n fimmed, air cooled hood, pst me I got a video of my grow from clones to this bushy 5 plants about to be scrogged each with 20 top colas growing at least. If in a few weeks i don't get any BS I will post the rest of the story and my grow process if something happens I can let ya'll know what they decide to do :D I'm sure there are plenty of people like me that want to know all their outcomes In this situation. So let's see how it goes, I already got my lawyer ready just in case as well.


Active Member
Im sure he would have called the cops by now if he thought it was something illegal, I wouldn't worry everybody is nosy but he probably already forgot about it or knows what your doing and just wanted a peak to see how it was going lol.


Active Member
He'll probably call the police, who will knock on your door. You could ignore them, that's the best thing to do. If they push it and get a search warrant, they'll find your card and you'll be ok as far as the law. Whether or not he can kick you out just depends on what your lease agreement says, but he'll probably try because if the place catches on fire, due to your grow or not, that building won't be covered if they discover your grow, and they probably would. Sounds like they both knew what was going on. I hope you keep us updated on what trouble this brings you. When they inspect me in 4-5 months, I'll have already taken everything down even though it's legal, just so I don't have to deal with the bs. I'm just planning to be inspected even though it's only a 25% chance. You have a bigger space than mine, same light, so I think you could plan for it in the future, you could have so much in jars that you don't need to be growing while they're there. One option was to put the plants in boxes for one day (not healthy but they'll get over it, I've had to do it when moving) and also box up all the equipment, since they wouldn't have bothered with your boxes, which maybe could have been put in a closet. It just seems like unnecessary trouble for yourself to have them see your tent.


Well-Known Member
Sounds like you are fine.
In a former life I owned two buildings, 8 units next to 6 on the same street 14 tenants.
If a tenant paid his rent on time and didn't stir the pot with the other neighbors he was Golden!

have that rent check in his hand on its due date every month.

be a nice quite tenant and if something breaks in your place you
get it repaired but first clear the contractor (if you need one) with your landlord,

he will Love You.


Well-Known Member
I hate to be the bearer of bad news , but the way most lease agrements are writen you can violate for nearly anything and unfortunatly most agrements are exact copys of a handfull of documents

If it were a illegal grow I would imagine they would not call the cops unless you tryed to claim renters rights or something simmilar , They dont want to risk their property being seized or just tyed up in a investigation


Active Member
That makes sense as well, it would be a lose lose sitiation so if he does know he prob just will evaluate it and come to then conclusion to turn his cheek for now but if he hears any reports he might tell you that you cant grow there first.


Hi Guys:blsmoke:, Thank you for all the answers, I have thought about a lot of those outcomes, frankly I could have just moved them to my bathroom or closet to avoid any suspicion, but I did want to test the waters a little. I found it hard to accept that I had to live in hiding like a criminal over some harmless plants, This will determine if I keep the apartment on the long term or just have to relocate to a less "luxury" apt if I want to grow there and then find my private place where I can sleep In peace with out being judged or frowned upon. I pay on time, never had a noise complaint, I also have a clean background and insurance licensed. I do not have people visit me here much and if anything its' just one or two close friends every now and then. I am probably one of the few tenants here who carry $100k liability insurance as well even thought someone was right avoid the fire claim being denied if they find out I was growing, its why I use a digital low-energy ballast with a protected surge and timers, but still, anything can always happen. My respect level towards them and efforts should show them I am trying to be as responsible as I can with my situation. The feds and their MMJ law have to crash already, at least on decriminalizing it in CA and every legal state... WHOS the Demon:evil: on top of this laws who just won't give up?? Money and greed have the power-hungry people blinded, But is yet bold enough to legally let us smoke cigs even in some restaurants( exposing innocents to second hand and with 1st hand combined, killing $400k Americans a year ) and not to mention letting drunks run around killing themselves or people around ( We all know the problems of alcohol abuse is 10000x worse than any marijuana abuse talking about extreme situations) then prescriptions, etc etc... but if we dare to smoke and grow oh man we are considered criminals..?!!!.....This anti-marijuana media propaganda has placed people to a new lower ignorance level, based on old research, false too, most people fail to read current medical events and vote now, people hide in fear and fear is mans biggest downfall. did you guys know in Los Angeles over half of the medical patients registered to vote on prop 420 didn't even show UP?!? Sure a lot of people have the passion for change, but yet so few are willing to fight for their rights. :peace:bongsmilie . Anyways to keep things fun note, I posted the link to a video journal from clones to end of veg. when I first started the grow, I made messing around ( A couple of things I said were wrong and so off but oh well I was just having fun and learning with my mistakes ) , http://youtu.be/i-CNHWJZ4jg and I attached a few pictures of how the ladies are doing now about 2 week into flower, and I will finish the second part of my video where I showed all the deficiencies I had to fight through, this time a lot better quality if my girls can grow keep growing in peace or I will have to find them a new home :( ..........#1 http://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a103/kickboxingstud88/2013-09-28091625.jpg #2. http://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a103/kickboxingstud88/2013-09-28091417.jpg #3 http://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a103/kickboxingstud88/2013-09-28091356.jpg.


Well-Known Member
you're left handed? me too!!
i think you did the right thing by not hiding your tent and telling your landlord that it was just storage.
best thing to do in a situation where you are "in the wrong" in others eyes is to act innocent and sweet!
vid made me a little dizzy from the way you were holding it lol
im waiting for "headband" in the mail, i cant wait, she looks like good smoke on the website.
don't stress, im sure your landlord didnt know what was goin on, some people are dumb that way lol.
good luck!!!


you're left handed? me too!!
i think you did the right thing by not hiding your tent and telling your landlord that it was just storage.
best thing to do in a situation where you are "in the wrong" in others eyes is to act innocent and sweet!
vid made me a little dizzy from the way you were holding it lol
im waiting for "headband" in the mail, i cant wait, she looks like good smoke on the website.
don't stress, im sure your landlord didnt know what was goin on, some people are dumb that way lol.
good luck!!!
Yea man thanks! I was actually born a lefty, I kick and played soccer using my left leg but my mother forced me as a kid to write with my right hand so I lost a lot of coordination on that hand lol...and yea I hope he is dumb or at least cool enough to drop it and move on, I will just have to wait and see what happens this week and I'll keep you all posted if anything goes down!