apartment inspection!!!


Active Member
My landlord just called me and told me that some one was coming to inspect all the apartments in my building next tuesday, i think that the electric outlet i am using is hooked up to some one else's fusebox because i cant turn it off with my fuse box. should i assume that they are coming because of a power spike? only noticed an increase of 8 dollars on my bill last month and my grow system uses under 400 watts of energy (6 t12 floros, 1 CFL).


Active Member
im no expert....but i wouldnt assume they are comming because of a spike...for all they know you just heater on too high and you leave your tv on all night...how long have u lived there..try to find out if its a rotine inspection...it could be any amount of things....coincidence and not to bring bad luck but actually today in a close town three apartment units were seized containing fully matured plants... 1 million dollars street value worth of our sweet sticky icky...do to an inspection because of complaint of water leaks...i hope nuthin is up with you ...but if somone if comming to inspect all apartments id be trippin regardless of the reason they are commin ...i hope your shit is stealth


Well-Known Member
dude. relocate everything!! i had an inspection at my apartment before and it was actually firemen from the firedepartment. luckily i had no plants at the time.


Well-Known Member
If they expected anything serious they would give you all of three minutes to prepare. Nothing is up. But move your operation or you will have huge issues.


Well-Known Member
ive had this happen to me a few times, fortunately my apartment complex is really straight and the guys that work there are awesome. i had a fire dpt inspection right before flowering and i had to bring plants over to a buddies place for a day, it was straight though. the most sketchy thing thats happened to me was this though - i was minding my own business online when all of a sudden lightning struck a tree outside and fried my A/C, wireless card, external hard drive, and fried the shit out of all the electrical panels in my apartment. the tree the lightning hit also fell on my A/C, breaking that too. this was day 50 of flowering lol, i had 3 guys in my apartment fixing shit with 7 giant dankmonsters in my bathroom. due to the flowering cycle, i had to keep them lit for several hours while 3 guys fixed random stuff on my deck and breaker box. that was 1 year ago and nothing ever happened, the guys were totally cool and didnt even know anything was up. ive lived here 3 1/2 years now.

but anyway, i would relocate. it's no good taking chances. if you have no place to put them, leave them in a closet in a box.