Aphids or harmless mites?


Well-Known Member
Hello! I have a no till garden going at the moment. I started to see a couple white specks moving on the outside of my fabric pots. The couple that I saw has now turned into a damn near plague. There are whole patches of these bugs EVERYWHERE in my tent. I don’t know if they are even eating my plants, but I did see a couple holes, and they do walk around and on my plants. I don’t know if there are just so many that they end up walking on my plants by chance, or if they are actively eating my greens. Please let me know if you can identify them, and if you have any organic methods to killing them off, if harmful. Thank you.


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They’ll be eating something & you’ll struggle to bring any sort of infestation under control organically. How far along are the plants
They’ll be eating something & you’ll struggle to bring any sort of infestation under control organically. How far along are the plants
Seedlings just planted last week. First 3 leafers coming in on the small ones, first 5 leafers on the biggest.
And this is why I switched to coco years ago and never looked back. Sure its more work, but the fungus gnat infestation I had growing in soil for my first few harvests was a nightmare that I never want to experience again.
Where’d ya get your soil from?
A solid, reputable hydro store. Soil is on it’s third cycle though, since I’m growing using no till. The bugs are new, no way they hitched a ride from the store, because I didn’t see any at all last run.
What are all the sticks in the photos? You are using a tent indoors yeah? Not a tent camping?
A solid, reputable hydro store. Soil is on it’s third cycle though, since I’m growing using no till. The bugs are new, no way they hitched a ride from the store, because I didn’t see any at all last run.
Theres your problem! Use the soil once
Whats no till?
If you don’t know what no till is then I can’t take your advice, because it’s completely different from other grow styles. There are people on 30+ Grow cycles using the same soil. You never break the soil down, you only add organic matter to the soil from the top. You grow with companion plants and cover crop. There are also live earthworms. Can someone who is experienced in no till please help me.
Well if your going to introduce sticks & weeds to your indoor environment your going to get infestations as you now know. Till or no till
Well if your going to introduce sticks & weeds to your indoor environment your going to get infestations as you now know. Till or no till
Lol ok. IPM is one of the biggest aspects of no till, and that’s the help I’m looking for. Not vague opinions based around your lack of knowledge on the subject. Not weeds, nitrogen fixating legumes and proper grass to mulch with. Also, I asked for identification and organic IPM.
Lol ok. IPM is one of the biggest aspects of no till, and that’s the help I’m looking for. Not vague opinions based around your lack of knowledge on the subject. Not weeds, nitrogen fixating legumes and proper grass to mulch with. Also, I asked for identification and organic IPM.
Lol ok. I come here to share my knowledge on growing pot. But im confused. You seem to know it all already, are these trick questions? Are you testing us? Or are you actually as stupid as your making yourself out to be?
Lol ok. I come here to share my knowledge on growing pot. But im confused. You seem to know it all already, are these trick questions? Are you testing us? Or are you actually as stupid as your making yourself out to be?
What kind of bug is it man. I’m trynna get some of this knowlege.