Kb's seeds
Active Member
first off i gota say i love the apollo 13bx its a great strain, but the one thing ive noticed with the ap13 is that it can be a finnicky feeder, same with a hybrid project im workin on that i used a ap13bx male, anyway ive noticed that u gota give the ap13 a good amount of nitrogen all the way to almost wk 3 of budding, same with my hybrid project, but something else ive noticed and idk if its jus me but the ap13bx seems to not like high amount of magnesium, i dont really add very much dolomite lime to my hot mix, 1 cup per 1.5cu.ft. of soil mix, when i brew my teas i add 1 tablespoon of un-sulphured molasses per gallon of water, but with the ap13 ive had to switch to 1 teaspoon or less per gallon of water or the leaves will somewhat burn, ive had a few trusted friends come over and give me their thoughts and we all agreed it had to be the amount of molasses i was adding in the teas, cause the ones that were getting 1tsp per gallon didnt have any of the leaf burn the other had, has anyone else had this problem??? im pretty sure i got it figured out and will make note to only add 1tsp of molasses per gal of water for the ap13 and my hybrid project from now on, but if anyone has any advice or thoughts on what else could have been the problem help me out it would be much appriciated