Apple/Strawberry Haze! Anyone know something??


Hey there. I currently live in Luxembourg which is right next to holland, and obviously i go there quiet often. Two days ago i bought a weed called Apple haze, and it smelled and tasted like apple, barely any weed smell. Same with strawberry. Anyone know how this is done? Havent found a link on the internet! I've been growing since a few years and i wouldnt mind growing this strain! (It tasted like eating an apple !!! :joint: :eyesmoke: )
Thanks for any help.


Well-Known Member
It is either the genetics of the plant making it taste like apple or when they cure it they put apple peels in the jar. That is a trick I learned from an old head back in the when smokin swag. As for the strawberry, i hear Arjan's strawberry haze is pretty strawberry tastin.