Approaching harvest - is this a normal amount of yellowing?


First-time grower here. I was gone on vacation for a week and left our girl in the hands of my fiance, who is not a plant person. I had her on a moderately heavy feeding schedule and told him not to worry if a couple leaves started to yellow, as we're just a few weeks away from harvest. I got back last night and took a look at her. Eek!

That looks like over-fertilization to me, and my instinct is to flush her, but I want to check with you guys first in case that is a normal level of yellowing and leaf die-off. She's just finished her eighth week of flowering, and I think we're two or three weeks out from harvest - only the calyxes on the lowermost buds have started to turn brown, and the trichomes are still mostly clear.

Little Tommy

Well-Known Member
I sometimes add a boost of Nitrogen halfway through flowering to try and keep this to a minimum. It is normal. The plant is taking Nitrogen stored in the fan leaves.


Active Member
Those plants look good. I would just add water only last week or so. I wouldnt add much nutes at this stage, let me guess....two or so weeks left? Funny, I just re-read your post and say your down to last few weeks.

Keep going, those look great to me.


Well-Known Member
looks pretty decent to me... just make sure to pick all that dead debris off n ...container looks small so maybe have to water more often...wouldnt give any nutes at this stage just some molasses n water...good luck


Okay, so I was reading it COMPLETELY wrong! Thanks everyone for the advice, and it's great to hear that you guys think she looks good, too. I'm going to give her a good dose of N for the next week and then start flushing.


Well-Known Member
noooo dont add n needed.... if u are gonna give her anything other than molassas or ph'd water ...give her k..... no n very little p and high k ..this late in the game...koolbloom is real good good luck


Why no N? I understand she's nearing the end of her lifecycle and going to die soon anyway, but the bud still has a little finishing to do and she's losing leaves pretty rapidly.