apt managment sucks.

dank smoker420

Well-Known Member
there making everybody buy a gate clicker and taking out the code to get in the gate. so if you want to get to your house you have to pay 50$ for the clicker. i only have one month left on my lease when they cancel the code they have now. paying 50 dollars to get to my house for a month on top of rent is fucking ridiculous especially when this wasnt in the lease or anything i signed fucking bullshit
wow that is bullshit. wtf. they cant possibly do that to people. not everyone in the complex can afford $50 some people are poor. well unless you live in some badass complex
haha no its not the best its nice but not super nice. there actually really cheap have fake counters fake plastic tiles. its 670 a month or a one bedroom. but 50 for one month of using the gate you got to be kidding me. i would be paying about 2 dollars a day to use it. its like a 50 cent toll to use the gate for me then
I agree that is total bullshit. I would be pisssed but if theres no way around it then just breath deep and realize that life is a bitch sometimes and we just gotta eat it.
I'm thinking I would be finding myself somewhere else to live. That is just wrong, especially since it's not in your lease.
well unfortunately you will have to suck up that 50. assholes with authority will do this over and over. they are the trolls of real life, lol
Eh, my apartment complex liked to leave their 110' ladders behind my 4th floor apartment. Guess how the neighbors broke into my place? And then guess what the reaction was of the apartment complex... "Oh? Hope you have renters insurance." What assholes.
^ damn thats fucked up. i would be so pissed.

we are gonna find somewhere else to live we were planning but didnt wanna have to pay extra cash to leave early. out last month is june and this bullshit starts may 15.
Call the corporate office and file a complaint with her superiors. That usually works for me. If they give you a hard time, tell them you are a habitual blogger and will write negative reviews. I once got a full months rent because the leasing agent was really rude. You will be surprised to how serious they take it. My leasing agent got a new one torn when she tried to screw me out of 200 dollars a little bit at a time. They wont fuck with you after that. Good Luck bro. I wont miss apartment complexes as I'm buying a house in a couple months. And yeah there is nothing worse than thieves and there are usually plenty in the apts.
lol apartments are like modular rat houses, i'd bar the windows. theives suck, but i'm sure any asshole stealin TVs is getting less time than a busted marijuana user
there making everybody buy a gate clicker and taking out the code to get in the gate. so if you want to get to your house you have to pay 50$ for the clicker. i only have one month left on my lease when they cancel the code they have now. paying 50 dollars to get to my house for a month on top of rent is fucking ridiculous especially when this wasnt in the lease or anything i signed fucking bullshit

talk to the apt managment and see if you can get some or all of that money back when you move out. i mean i'm sure they will not want you to take the clicker with you, so when you return it to them you should be able to get some or all your mony back.
Eh, my apartment complex liked to leave their 110' ladders behind my 4th floor apartment. Guess how the neighbors broke into my place? And then guess what the reaction was of the apartment complex... "Oh? Hope you have renters insurance." What assholes.

Burn the place down and reply with the same coment.