Aptus Plant Tech Nutrients?


Active Member
Recently purchased Aptus Plant Tech Nutrients. I got only 3 additives from the line, FaSilitor ,PeakBoost, FinaleBoost. Now let me start from Canna. So far i am so happy with the brand. Great healthy plants, huge buds. Only issue? My stems and branches are just too tiny to handle the flowers im packing. So i headed back to my store, and found out i needed silica for a stronger structure. So, with that, i purchased PeakBoost and FinaleBoost to replace my PK 13/14. I unfortunately am unable to use this with my current grow currently finishing up since i used the PK. But i am looking for really good results with these 25 i have going. Let me know if you have used this brand or are even familiar. Positive or negative im curious. besides, this shit is expensive.
I've heard both ways. I have not tried it and won't speculate on it directly. BUT, I will say that your stem problem is most likely the genetics of the plant! While Si is good to use in synthetic gardening (stronger cell walls, regulates P uptake, etc). I don't think it's going to "solve" the problem your having!

Now as far as the other 2 products (this shit is expensive) you bought. WHY? You admit that the Canna product was giving you "Great healthy plants, huge buds." So what did the "store" guy say to get you to spend that big inflated price per small package?

I'm sorry to say this but, "You got had"! I'll bet he has a hard time selling those over priced little bottles and "sold" them with words of promise and the reaching of lofty goals...

Nutrients are nutrients, even organic to synthetic as it's the same molecules in the end that the plant up-takes and use's! To me the quality is in "how they are applied" like how much and how often! Wait, did they promise more hormone's and amino acids, all at the "proper" time? The use of Kelp extract would cover that too....

I like to answer questions of "Whats the best nutrient out there" with Hesi and Canna. While their formulations and source are excellent. It is their feeding charts that really make them stand out! They match their formulas to their feeding charts FOR cannabis use! (There is NO such thing as "cannabis specific nutrients). Over time I discovered that dropping any "ROOTS" or VIT product and simply using Kelp extract saved money and gave exactly the same results, made things simpler.

As for using Si. YUP! Great stuff Si (in synthetics). Strengthens cell walls, regulates P up-take, helps with heat and drought and of course helps with bug prevention....

After all that. I still think it's more the plants genetics then any Si making a difference of that caliber. PLEASE use it though!
I'll say add a Kelp extract to your mix and get all those Hormones and Amino's that I "guess" the guy told you about in APTUS.

Now you have them - try them next run....Do not go by any visual reference as to which worked better! Weight your harvest this time and with the Aptus, next time. I'll bet, the difference, is not worth the price increase!

Please DO come back and let us know what happened!

Good luck!