Are Hermaphrodites usefull for smoking?

I grew my plants to a decent size indoor as its winter here at the moment and moved them outdoor to bud..I had a good yield last year when i did the same thing. My plants got stressed out though in the move and have turned into hermaphrodites..there are way more female flowers than the male ones...will he/she still produce decent smokable bud or is it time to terminate?


Well-Known Member
If you really focus you can remove all the male flowers. Sometimes it will turn all female again. Just pinch off all the small balls - you need to do it every day to prevent pollination.


Well-Known Member
female herm will produce some buds mostly buds and some odd amount of male balls
male herm is not very useful mostly male balls a few pistils
It is impossible to see all the male flowers.You can have some growing inside the bud and wont see it till you open it up.To me i would say a female hermie would be a little bit better than the schwag you can get around your area.
it will have a few seeds here and there and those seeds are going to be mostly female and hermies but it will still smoke and get you high if it has good potency


Well-Known Member
i have the same problem. mainly female with buds growing. but there where hardly any balls. like 5 max. i took them off and its been 3 days and theres no sighns of balls. is there a posibilty they wont come back?


Active Member
It depends on how badly its hermied. I had one about 6 months ago that went completely "balls out" for no obvious reason and it was so bad that plucking the nanners was a ridiculous notion. Yesterday, I pulled one out of my garden for 3 different seed pods on a large plant. If there were 3 that snuck by me (even though i checked every 3 days because i KNOW where the seeds came from) then there is a strong possibility that it will try to produce many more and "go balls" out since it wasn't due to stresses. I have another that got root-bound in veg and I could not recover it so i pushed it into flower and i check ever bud daily. It had 1 nanner about 2 weeks in but i plucked it and keep a close eye but she's been fine and is budding nicely, considering. So my advice; unless it goes "balls out", pinch off the nanners (i eat them to avoid them spreading and the energy doesn't go to waste) and keep a close eye on her. If she puts out more nanners then she's done for. Put it in the hash pile or cook it. Another option, cut/cure/flip to someone who doesn't care about premature buds.


Well-Known Member
In cases like that, any seeds they produce, are they seeds guaranteed hermie? I just harvested a grapefruit plant....knew they had a potential to hermie so I checked her daily. Couldn't find any boy bits but when I went to harvest I found one or two clumps of seeds. Are the seeds worth anything or are they useless?


Well-Known Member
The seeds would not be guaranteed hermie, but would definitely carry the gene (unless hermaphrodism caused by stress). I would not spend my time grow it - why not buy some great weed and try with some seeds from it - if any? I just think that great seeds/genes are so available that you'd might as well get GREAT genes?. Well anyway - hermie can grow some weed - just will never be as good as could be ;O).


Active Member
Seeds produced from hermies will always be female. The down-side is that you got them from a plant that hermied which means you are effectively breeding hermies since you know it passed the hermie gene on. I plant my hermie seeds and some of them go "balls out" while others don't pop a single nanner and they still produce great buds. I would not recommend doing this unless you can watch the plant daily for nanners.
about 3 harvest (indoors) ago i had 4 lovly ladies that had been in flowering for about 2-3 weeks when i had to go away on a emergency trip when i came home a week or so later i noticed a few yellow flowers spread across 2 of my girls(all 4 clones came from the same mother plant that never in the past showed any hermie tendency) i picked what i could off and come harvest there was few seeds mixed in but not a shit ton of seeds after all was dried and cured we compared smoke from the 2 hermies with the 2 that didnt turn hermie and the smoke was just as good as the non-seeded so you never know it could be good smoke or it could end up being a waste of space that should have been killed off its kind of a gamble. Do you remember what week into flower it was when you first noticed the male flowers?


Well-Known Member
My comment on another thread...

Don't panic. There is not a great difference in THC content between the sexes of most varieties. The main advantage to growing all ladies is that when there is no male pollen to be had, the females crank up hormone production to attract males. The increased hormone activity means more THC.

A few years ago I had the exact same thing happen and I was bummed. After discovering a small white seed in what I thought was sensimilla I threw the buds in a baggie and forgot them for a year. Went back to "try" the stash and got knocked on my ass! First hit was a lawnmower hit. You know, when you're sitting there and you get a rush that reproduces what an ant feels when a lawnmower goes over it. Harsher than my first wife but absolutely the nuts in a water pipe.
