Are japanes flying beetles very bad?


Active Member
So i have a grow and i got a bunch of lady bugs that are commin in and im throwin them in my box, but i found out today they're probably japanese flying beetles since oklahoma doesnt have traditional lady bugs.. just i get rid of them.. they dont seem to be harming the plant, but u never know


Elite Rolling Society
Didn't they bomb Pearl Harbor?

LOL, just kiddin.

Lady bugs are helpful, but Jananese Beetles are bad.


Active Member
What color and size are they?Ladybugs fly you know.Japanese bettles are green and brown.They can grow to about the size of your thumbnail.


Well-Known Member
If you're talking about Asian Beetles (see pic), they are not harmful to plants - they eat nematodes. Almost as helpful as a Lady Bug - only they pinch, so don't touch 'em too much.



Active Member
Yeah, the japanese flying beetles that came up on google didn't look anything like ladybugs. Most ladybugs you see nowadays are the introduced asian/japanese ladybug (they have a few common names), which isn't harmful. Here is a list of ladybug beetles (family Coccinellidae) in Oklahoma, in case you are interested--there are quite a few! The asian ladybird beetle (Harmonia axiridis) is in there, which is what DoeEyed posted a picture of.

from the oklahoma beetle checklist at:

Here's what I got for the japanese flying beetle on google, btw. Looks nothing like a ladybug:


Active Member
DAMN!!! Ya'll really know how to give a man feedback!!! Thanks all.. They looked like doeeyeds ladybug pic, but i already killed the lil guys!!.. O well they're will be more these guys are overrunnin my house! Thanks everyone for clearing up my confusion!