Are my babies ok?

20160603_191408.jpg 20160603_191420.jpg 20160603_191358.jpg 20160603_191351.jpg I germinated and planted 5 autos all about a week ago.
Two of them look great, one sprouted but small and two I am worried about.
The two I am worried about haven't done much in a few days should I be concerned, is there anything I should do?
Only included one photo of the two healthy ones as they look nearly identicle.
First grow. Thank you for any advice.
20160603_191408.jpg 20160603_191358.jpg


Well-Known Member
A little early to start worrying. Their just building roots right now. Once they get roots established they will take off.
Bad news......... Jack Herer III didn't make it. (Second photo down). It looked as if the stem just kind of rotted in half. Any idea what may have happened so I can try to avoid such sad occurrences in the future? Down to 4 plants from 5 for my first grow. Sad night in Georgia. Moment of silence for Jack III.