Are my babies too small?

Ok, so this is my first indoor grow and I'm not too sure how good my plants are growing. I have four plants total. Two of them are bubba kush and the other two just bag seeds of some good 40. They are all about 6" tall with 4 nodes and I've been growing for about a month now. Is this too small? Do they need more light or should I just be more patient. I'm using a 48" 32W shoplight with two 75W cfls putting out 1900 lumens a piece about 2" away from the tops. I using a 24-8-8 nute. I need some advice. I can post pics


New Member
They will about double in size during flowering, don't worry. Is this in soil? What are you doing with nutrients?


Well-Known Member
I started 4 seeds in the middle of April and kept them under the same lights at 18/6. They wouldn't grow for anything. I'm at 9,000 feet so I figured between altitude and temps (mid 60's) they were doomed. I bought a 1000 hps to bloom under and figured what the hell... I'll put them under it for 18 and see what happens. They took off. Folks will say that plants will stretch when under hps for too long but I have had no stretching at all. I am less than a foot from the lamp so I am sure that helps minimize stretching. I am able to put them outside during the day when it's warm enough so the natural light helps too but I really noticed a difference when I stoked up the light. They will grow a bunch during flower so keep that in mind if you are limited in space.