Are my clones gonna die!? - need help plz - pics


Well-Known Member
So i took these last night, i did everything according to the steps, but they are all bent over and dont look so good. Should i expect them to bounce back? I took the humidity tent off for the pic. (If you want to enlarge click the black bar, not the picture) Im using sunleaves pioneer jr, with 4 T5 24 watt bulbs in it. Maybe too much light? they are about 1 and a half feet away.



Well-Known Member
4 t5's is definitely too much light for the clones imo

use two, maybe even one
thanks dude. I took out 3 of the bulbs so one is on them atm. Do you think they can come back from that intense light wilting? They look green and otherwise good, just bending down.

It's 5 o'clock somewhere

Well-Known Member
I have the same exact light on my clones. I took out the 2 outside bulbs and posted a thread about the light level and all the feed back was that it was just fine. You need to take the plastic off your rockwool and mist 2-3 times a day, do not soak them. Do not give them any nutes til you see roots coming out of the cube (10-15 days). I take the lid off mine to let the oxygen out and blow through the plants a few times before I put the dome back on. Mine are 6 days old and doing great. I accidentially pulled one up a little so I pulled it out and there are roots starting to form already..... good luck...:peace:


Well-Known Member
how moist should a cube be??? If you were to squeeze the cube, should water come out?


Well-Known Member
those clones look huge, with to many leaves. I would trim off some of the leaves not the fan leaves though.

It's 5 o'clock somewhere

Well-Known Member
If you squeeze them of course there will be water coming out. I talked to the owner of the local grow shop for almost 2 hours on how to clone with rockwooll and this is what he told me...

Run the cubes under tap water til they are saturated. Palm it in your fingers gently and with your arm above your head swing your arm briskly through a half circle and fling the excess water out, repeat, and let stand overnight. When the cubes are at room temp insert your clones. Over the next 7-14 days keep them misted, 2-3 times a day. With the dome off blow through the plants to chase out all the excess oxygen and put the dome back on. When you mist spray the leaves mostly but make sure to allow enough water drip into the cube that it stays moist but not wet. If you pick up a cube and it feels heavy and the bottem is soaked gently fling it out.

I have done this to a tee and all my clones look great. It is natural for the leaves to look yellow as you are only giving it water and it is stealing the nutes from the fan leaves. Don't take all your leaves off! It takes energy to keep those fan leaves going and keep the clone alive. I took a pair of scissors and cut some of the fingers off so the plant won't spend alot of energy on the fan leaves but they are still there for the clone to draw from. It looks like you did that already.. They like humidity but not a lot of heat, that's why I took out 2 bulbs. Also they don't need alot of light because they are trying to grow roots not leaves. Good luck and if you have any more ?'s pm me.....:peace: :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
im thinking light was more my problem. thank you all for your help. If anyone has anymore tips, they are sure welcome


Well-Known Member
That's how my clones looked after i put them directly under my hps the first time i tried doing clones... i burnt them to shit, but they did survive... gotta keep that humidity up!


Well-Known Member
Dude they will be fine relax they will bounce back keep moist(leaves) in a dome with a mild light those clones will be fine