Are my plants affecting my son? babymommas going nuts

Ok so im having a real problem with my babys mom, i grow in my bedroom closet in a grow tent, sometimes i have to open a tent door and my closet door for temperature reasons, the smell leaks in my room, i have a carbon scrubber hooked up in my tent but with the tent doors open i know it doesnt get 100% of the smell and when she comes over she gets pissed when i have my son in my bedroom with the doors open because she thinks the plants put off something in the air and the smell is hurting him like its second hand smoke, im no genuis but i dont see how a plant growing could bother him but she thinks differently, any answers on this would greatly reduced the stress i have going on and all the fighting thanks


Active Member
thats just the plant putting off its own particular odor...not like its tear gas...tell her it wont affect him anymore than the smell given off by some roses, lillies or other girlie ass flowers...


Active Member
she's fuckin nuts, she just doesnt like the smell. and prob thinks your son will get like second hand autism haha its not like smelling pot gets THC into your system anymore than smelling a fart means you ate a turd! if i were you tho i wouldnt let her know your growing, sounds like you dont live together, loose lips sink ships, and this bitch has prob got the loosest lips of them all! just to spite you/take away your daddy rights and make you pay a shit load of childsupport.


Active Member

No. There's absolutely no way that they smell from the plants could hurt him. Haha, if anything I'd say it's healthy, plants produce oxygen. Tell her that, and if she thinks that it hurts him afterwards, let him play in the tent.


Well-Known Member
Sound like that fear you get when first have kids, It looks like everything is going to hurt them. Hopefully things settle down. You could tell her " the way people act now days it is amazing the human race survived this long". It could bother the kid when it late in flower..good


Active Member
dood..your in the top 1 percent of the about to get ratted catigory...move the plants...she pissed shes a woman shes gonna rat!..period


Well-Known Member
keep the kid away from the tent no it wont hurt him although i have come across a few strains who when cut the smell will make you cry. i think some strains can bring out allergies while others depress them. i have a strain that if you touch it it will turn your skin red.


Well-Known Member
Heck no it won't hurt him...I mean you can sit right beside poisonous plants and not de affected outside...I mean if that were the case people would just drop dead everytime they walked outside...I have my tent open sometimes and relaly plants of any kind are beneficial to the air around them in the fact they absorb toxins in the air and replace them with oxygen...that bitch sounds Or rather at least really uninformed..I mean she might really think that it will hurt him, but to me it sounds like she just wants to bitch at


Well-Known Member
keep the kid away from the tent no it wont hurt him although i have come across a few strains who when cut the smell will make you cry. i think some strains can bring out allergies while others depress them. i have a strain that if you touch it it will turn your skin red.
Really? Do you? So you have the only harmful MJ around? Since it is a skin, and eye matter how strong the weed smell is I can climg into a plant and not be at all harmed...there is no strain that will turn your skin red...unless there is something wrong with it...for real...MJ is also used in topical applications so it wouldn't really work if it could hurt your skin...which it can't... So shame on you. You should be able to find something interesting to say and not just some random crap you thought to make up.


Well-Known Member
keep the kid away from the tent no it wont hurt him although i have come across a few strains who when cut the smell will make you cry. i think some strains can bring out allergies while others depress them. i have a strain that if you touch it it will turn your skin red.
Sure you're not cloning poison oak?

Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
Regardless off the fact that it will not harm the child, the authorities are NOT gonna see it that way. Dude is right, you are at the top 1% of the getting ready to be ratted list! Babysmomma is a huge problem right now!


Well-Known Member
Well sorry to say but ^^^^^^^ are all wrong! IF your baby has any respiratory or allegories than keep him the fuck out of there. Now if when he's in there and his noes is not running or eyes red watering or red rash he is likely fine. Not hard to tell, next time he comes over and he's fine you and the old lady go in there and play with him for 1 hr. If he's fine, than tell her to blow you. This also makes you look like a good dad and that's what we all want right, do what's ri8ght for the kid and look good. Your welcome. Make sure you set this up right so you get max points and BJ"s.

Say to her I have been thinking about what you ben saying bal abl abl and I think your right so I did a little thinking and how about this ^^


Active Member
yeah ..she must be at the low end of the iq she has diet pop with her ronnie macs, and blasts her hair full o hairspray with baby around.....anyway anybody whome thinks this way is scheming to use it against u, they will eventually confide in thier welfare worker or docter...or a cop.....ive seen this shit b4...i will wager a bet that u busted in 6 months or less!


Well-Known Member
It really depends on the relationship you 2 have...I mean are you still close and you have some dirt on her as well....that usually keeps people from flinging too much dirt...if they know it is about to come back on them...or that it has the propensity...


Well-Known Member
yeah...ok..well now everyone is if she has known prior to now and you guys are on good terms then I don't think I would be too afraid of getting ratted out...


Well-Known Member
Well sorry to say but ^^^^^^^ are all wrong! IF your baby has any respiratory or allegories than keep him the fuck out of there. Now if when he's in there and his noes is not running or eyes red watering or red rash he is likely fine. Not hard to tell, next time he comes over and he's fine you and the old lady go in there and play with him for 1 hr. If he's fine, than tell her to blow you. This also makes you look like a good dad and that's what we all want right, do what's ri8ght for the kid and look good. Your welcome. Make sure you set this up right so you get max points and BJ"s.

Say to her I have been thinking about what you ben saying bal abl abl and I think your right so I did a little thinking and how about this ^^
If the kid is allergic to plants..and really the only allergen produced by most plants is if all your plants are female, and have no pollen then there goes the allergens...I mean if you are in dirt then plants are messy, and if you use hydro then there are human harmful chemicals potentially involved, but for real...there is no issue..I mean you can grab a big handful of leaves and eat them and end up with no THC in your system at all, so being in the room definitely isn't going to do it.