Are my plants dying


New Member
The first picture is of the leaves on the bottom if the plant are drooping and the second pic is of burn spots and the edges of the leaves are turning brown



Well-Known Member
looks your medium is pretty wet man. have you tried letting it dry out maybe? the burn spot could be because of a nute imbalance, Happy Grows Man bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
You may be over watering. What's with the foil? And how is the pots drainage. The leaf looks like it is trying to transfer the extra moisture out of the soil. Cal mag deficiencies are common but I would get the watering figured out first.


Well-Known Member
slightly overwatered but not to bad, just let the medium dry out a lot between waterings and u will be fine. try not to stress to much weed is pretty hard to kill, little irregularities are perfectly normal

Green Troll

Active Member
try mixing a little coco with your soil next time you re-pot and put a layer of clay pebbles in the bottom to help drainage. keep an eye on your nute concentration and get rid of that foil, you are not cooking a turkey. what you have is early stage, your plant will recover just fine. the leaves affected will not change but you will see all new growth will be ok.