Are my plants just lazy or did I kill them already?

No pics at the moment, sorry. You will have to rely on my outstanding literary description of whats happening.

I germinated my seeds using the paper towel method and planted them in moist soil(FF Light Warrior) in little 3" peat pots. They popped up out of the ground on 3/23 and grew about an inch over a day. I then put them in my tent with my 600W light about 18" away.

Light: 18/6

Temps: 78 lights on, 68 lights off

Humidity: 30%

Water: I found that my soil dries out very quickly(bone dry in 24hours) so I have had to water every day. Not excessively, but enough to make the soil moist.

It has been 4 days and my plants have not grown at all. There has been really no development to speak first I figured it was ok, since I know they develop roots first, but nothing above ground for 4 days seems a little off to me. Especially because I have seen people post pics of their week old plants and they are miles ahead of where my little plants are.

The stems are furry and purple and there are 4 tiny leaves on each plant, I dont think 2 of those count since they are the little round ones.

I have debated a few things in my head: a) the plants are fine you noob, b) oh god they're dead, they're all dead...why, c) they need more room than those little peat pots, and d) 24 hours of light?


Also...the FF nutes I bought suggest that I start feeding when the plants are 5 days old, but I have found alot of conflicting information about how/when to feed, everything from only feeding a 1/4 of what is recommended to not feeding them at all until they have 5 sets of adult leaves. I guess the answer to that only matters if Im not a plant murderer, but I figured I'd ask anyway for future reference.


Active Member
I never use paper towel method (not saying anything bad about it) and I put the seed right in the peat moss pot thingy with the lights on 18/6. I water a couple tablespoons a day to make sure the tender seeds and roots stay moist. usually the seed sprouts within 4-5 days. but if yours already sprouted and then you planted and you still havnt seen a plant. well idk what to say sorry.
We're past the germinating part, that isn't the problem. The problem is my plants dont seem to be doing anything...growing, dying...nothing, they are just sitting there like the day they popped up.
dont get me wrong im no expert but im in about week 2 of my first grow and my plants hit a wall simmaler to your description both2.jpgthey looked like this for a bout 5 days not changing nothing...... i let them just do what they do and now about 3 days after the picture was taken( picture was taken in the middle of it doing nothing)
they look amazing with their little chutes mid plant View attachment 2097339choot1 (2).jpg the only thing i can say is wait ... wait and keep looking in the center of your plants they should start to get little spots there then the will start shooting up ^.^


Active Member
I grow with CFLS but I can say at 4 to 5 days my plants looks tiny. like they arent growing. but once a pklant hits 14days its reached maturity. (people will argue this but I read it in the buds for less book. grow 8oz under $100) anyway give it some time. once the plant hits like day 10 and for sure day 14 it will change in its size drastically. what kind of lights are you using. also I dont use ff but I use general organics and I give them nutes 1/4 strength starting at like day 6


Active Member
dont water so much. as long as u have a nice amount of pearlite(cause it looks like u have none) let her drip and then let her dry out. also what kinda light do u have on em hps or mh? and if ur using ffof soil dont feed for the first month. always smart to buy soil wit nutes in it
They are fine. I would increase the humidity level by putting a plastic bag over them. Light warrior will feed them just fine for a good 3 weeks but you should transplant before that and the new soil will also feed for 2-3 weeks. Starting with a 1/4 dosage of nutes and then flolowing a f,w,w,f schedule increasing dosage by 1/4 every 2nd feeding until full dosage is reached. When you transplant add inert perlite at a 3:1 ratio. Good luck!


Well-Known Member
I grow with CFLS but I can say at 4 to 5 days my plants looks tiny. like they arent growing. but once a pklant hits 14days its reached maturity. (people will argue this but I read it in the buds for less book. grow 8oz under $100) anyway give it some time. once the plant hits like day 10 and for sure day 14 it will change in its size drastically. what kind of lights are you using. also I dont use ff but I use general organics and I give them nutes 1/4 strength starting at like day 6
Love that book


Well-Known Member
Im sure it will be fine. Im leaning to its the possible strain you are trying to grow. Strain and seed company has its differnt variables. For instance I germinated a white widow seed from Greenhouse Seeds and alongside of it I grew one from Seedman Seeds of White Widow. I experienced the same thing that is going on with you with the GHS version. In the end that GHS seed of white widow was better than the seedsman one. Let it go its course and Im sure it will be fine for ya :-).


Sounds like transplant shock. .. Remember that roots Need time to grow. .. When a plant in the early stages of growth stops growing my first thought is root growth when a plant takes root it can be a couple days until u see more above ground growth. .. Just stay calm man it will sort out just make sure water only till second set of leaves. .. Hope that helps