Are my plants ready for Flowering?!


They've been vegging for like 1.5 months.... They are about 18-20 inches in height...

I applied LST to them about two weeks ago to try and get them a little bushy but I just don't have the patience anymore!!!

Northern Lights Strain...


sativa indica pits

Active Member
they look healthy, tops look nice and green. a little bit of lime may clear up the leaf issues with the plant on the left. you should put up the first pics you took. what a difference man!! good job saving them!!


Well-Known Member
I just don't have the patience anymore!!!
Well I usually read these type of questions with amusement...
#1-- I'll bet you already flipped them to 12/12....
You just want one or two of to say--"go for it..."

Because reality... it's your plant... do what you want...
Me... I'd veg for 2-3 more weeks... if they are 18" look for them to stretch in Bud to 26"-36"


Well I usually read these type of questions with amusement...
#1-- I'll bet you already flipped them to 12/12....
You just want one or two of to say--"go for it..."

Because reality... it's your plant... do what you want...
Me... I'd veg for 2-3 more weeks... if they are 18" look for them to stretch in Bud to 26"-36"
Actually I haven't switched them to 12/12 :)

Im merely asking for advice from more experienced growers... I have never identified a right time to switch from veg to flower so I'd thought this place would be a good place to start asking for advice.


Active Member
Yep you are right good place to come for advice. Saying you don't have patience anymore is going to get you some negative responses as growing and gardening is all about patience. I am going to assume are growing in that closet so I would say it is a good time to flip as the area you have is small and those plants are going to double in size. What kind of light are you using? That will make a difference as well as to how tall of plants you should grow. How big are your pots?


Yep you are right good place to come for advice. Saying you don't have patience anymore is going to get you some negative responses as growing and gardening is all about patience. I am going to assume are growing in that closet so I would say it is a good time to flip as the area you have is small and those plants are going to double in size. What kind of light are you using? That will make a difference as well as to how tall of plants you should grow. How big are your pots?
My pots are 4 gallons, im currently using a 400w MH.

I also have 600w MH/HPS but i don't use them because of temperature issues.


Well-Known Member
When to switch is always a preference of the grower. Thats YOU. The longer you veg, the bigger your plant should be overall. Light penetration is of course an issue for anybody but you have a 400 and possibly a 600 watt light so that shouldnt be a problem.
Honestly, its your call, flip it now and it finishes all that much sooner. Wait it out some more and you should have a bigger plant.
Some people just need some stash quick plain and simple :) Nothing wrong with that either. If thats the case.....say so.
Right now I'm in the same boat. Mine have been vegging for 7 weeks now and its driving me nuts. I wanna flip 'em and get on with it, but at the same time I took the time to LST them ans that takes time, and the idea is I want to maximize the yield so I'm hangin on awile longer.
.....But I got a dozen or so jars on the shelf :) That is somewhat helpful.


When to switch is always a preference of the grower. Thats YOU. The longer you veg, the bigger your plant should be overall. Light penetration is of course an issue for anybody but you have a 400 and possibly a 600 watt light so that shouldnt be a problem.
Honestly, its your call, flip it now and it finishes all that much sooner. Wait it out some more and you should have a bigger plant.
Some people just need some stash quick plain and simple :) Nothing wrong with that either. If thats the case.....say so.
Right now I'm in the same boat. Mine have been vegging for 7 weeks now and its driving me nuts. I wanna flip 'em and get on with it, but at the same time I took the time to LST them ans that takes time, and the idea is I want to maximize the yield so I'm hangin on awile longer.
.....But I got a dozen or so jars on the shelf :) That is somewhat helpful.

There are a lot of small leaves underneath... I just tied down some bigger branches to try to get more light to them... Gonna let them veg for another 10-14 days, i think... Give it one or two more feedings and hopefully they'll be good.

sativa indica pits

Active Member
There are a lot of small leaves underneath... I just tied down some bigger branches to try to get more light to them... Gonna let them veg for another 10-14 days, i think... Give it one or two more feedings and hopefully they'll be good.
perfect plan!! another 2 weeks in veg is going to pay your light bill for the entire grow, good choice!!


Well-Known Member
I got 2 northern lights the same size at the moment but I got another 2 oz of cheese to keep me going so I thought fuck it let them grow! Nothing beats a big ass plant full of bud the satisfaction from waiting will pay off!


Well-Known Member
Actually I haven't switched them to 12/12 :)

Im merely asking for advice from more experienced growers... I have never identified a right time to switch from veg to flower so I'd thought this place would be a good place to start asking for advice.
Well good then... Ask first...
So, how big do you want your finished plants to be?
It's still your call...
I have height restrictions... I grow a Max height 36" plant...
20" max in Veg...
So how big do you have room for....
And how much time...


Here's an Update... They are still vegging. I've been applying LST every chance I get to get those extra branches.

I'm thinking i will put them into flower by Saturday


those fuckers are gonna blow up... i'd flip now, you don't have a lot of room in there.
Yeah I am running out of room, those pics are actually from Monday, theres even more growth now!

I think I will flip em saturday... I did a flush on Sunday and I wanted to make sure all of those nutes are out before I flip it.. Bad or good idea?

cat of curiosity

Well-Known Member
Yeah I am running out of room, those pics are actually from Monday, theres even more growth now!

I think I will flip em saturday... I did a flush on Sunday and I wanted to make sure all of those nutes are out before I flip it.. Bad or good idea?
can't hurt. I wouldn't wait, overgrowing hurts as much if not more than undervegging. you're gonna have 3x the mass in a month, might even have to prune to allow space and prevent layering and mold issues. looks great though, seriously!


can't hurt. I wouldn't wait, overgrowing hurts as much if not more than undervegging. you're gonna have 3x the mass in a month, might even have to prune to allow space and prevent layering and mold issues. looks great though, seriously!
I put them into flowering this morning with a HPS 400W... They looked droopy all day. Any ideas why?