Are my plants recovering/going to make it?


New Member
This is a followup from another post, but it is a new problem, and thus needs a new title/post. My plants showed classic signs of overwatering, even thought the only time I watered them (with pHed water) was when I sowed them. This is 1 week after planting:DSC_1296.JPG I am running about a 3:1 soil-pearlite mix, so I didn't think the drainage was or is an issue. Thes plants are also supposedly G13. The one response to my post was I was giving them too much light, so I moved the lights back, and put them on an 18-6 cycle from a 24 hr cycle. I don't know if they have just had time to dry out or if the light was the issue, but they have started to uncurl, but the first set of new leaves on 2 of my plants looks like it could be dying. This is at almost 2 weeks young:DSC_1303.JPG DSC_1304.JPG The leaves are also slightly yellow along with the brownish patches. They have also definitely been stunted. Here is a pick of all of them at 2 weeks:DSC_1302.JPGDSC_1305.JPG DSC_1306.JPG These last 2 pictures are of the healthier ones. The last picture has brown on the cotyledon because a seed casing didn't fall off until later.
Any criticism, help, or comments is welcome.



Well-Known Member
They dont look that bad at all, so the cups are heavy? (meaning they have excesive water in the cup) if so keep the lights on 24/7 so medium can dry a bit..

What are your temps amigo?

You can always repot them, give em some silica 1/4 tsp per gal. and also cal mag.

You giving nutes? (i hope not) and lastly how far the light from the plants?



New Member
They dont look that bad at all, so the cups are heavy? (meaning they have excesive water in the cup) if so keep the lights on 24/7 so medium can dry a bit..

What are your temps amigo?

You can always repot them, give em some silica 1/4 tsp per gal. and also cal mag.

You giving nutes? (i hope not) and lastly how far the light from the plants?

Thanks for the reply. The temp is usually about 78-82 in there, but there is no lowering that, as it is summer here. What I am worried about is the first photo in the 2 week photos. It looks like the leave is browning and canoeing a bit after the severe downward curl. I'm also worried about the stunted growth. Maybe I lose those first leaves, but I hope the second set can grow fast enough to be able to keep it alive. And no, definitely no nutes this early. The lights are about 4 inches away. And the cups are a good weight right now, not too heavy.


Well-Known Member
4 inches i dont go that low any more.. but is all depend on temps. I just blast my veg room with 750W like 3 feet from plans, ill post a pic later. but dont worry they look good, they will get trhu amigo =)

Keep us updated it!


Well-Known Member
You are over watering them...let em dry out, water them, then up pot them very carefully to a little bigger pot with some soil that has nutes in it (not miracle grow)


Well-Known Member
mycorhizzae (sp)
yep! I use pro mix, happy frog and Ocean Forest all mixed up....anytime my seedlings are looking drab i repot them into the nute soil and they take off and runnin. They wont do well in the humic acid seedling soil forever


Well-Known Member
That bag of dirt there is overkill for only 4 plants.... Id just order some Fox Farm Ocean Forest online. They;ll thrive in that