Are my scrogged white widowXbig bud almost done?


Active Member
Hello everyone this is my 3rd grow... my first Scrog set up tho... my plants are almost week 10 of the flowering cycle im letting them go a little longer because i lost interest half way through and was very inconsistent with the watering so alot of stress was given to the plants due to under watering but here are pics please just let me know what you think20121018_104145.jpg20121018_104158.jpg20121018_104209.jpg20121018_104216.jpg20121018_104229.jpg20121018_104236.jpg20121018_104244.jpg20121018_104255.jpg20121018_104305.jpg


It looks like youve got some reasonable sized colas but pictures are decieving! You say 10wks since flip??
It looks like the little leaf you have, ( whats the reason for that by the way??) You have nute burn, quite badly.
From the look of most of them i would say they are near but you still have a lot of white hairs but thay could be from the widow, the best way is to have a look at the trich on the plant and look at the colour, clear - not done, cloudy - nearly there or take for a head high, turning amber and falling over you can take from now in my opinion but if you leave for mostly amber trich you get a very heavy body stone which is what i like!