Are runts the norm?


Well-Known Member
I sewn 3 autos just over ten days ago all 3 progressed the same despite being 2 diff strains until yesterday i noticed 1 of the bluematic looked a couple of days behind the other it actually looks like the jack auto and other bluematic are the same and the 2nd bluematic diff i kno i havnt mixed them up is this normal?20191119_131248.jpg
The plants are playing mind games on you @Dosmokethereefa -- they look fine. Small plants in a big pot hopefully growing a nice set of roots. You can play too, moving your watering ring to the outer edge of your pots.
Give them some time. You can find runt phenotypes but be patient, sometimes they just veg slowly and really pop when you flower them.
Thanx indc4nw she doesnt look sick in anyway just looks like other 2 have got 2 days on her in truth all germed same day if anythin she was a little slower to peep thru once potted, 2 royal bluematic 1 Royal jack auto all in coco/soil/perlite/claypebs over 2 inch claypebs in fabric pots started light feed ystdy coco a+b, hydro silicon,multi-total 1/8 th strength i initially charged medium with molasses and myco evenin b4 transplant im paranoid cos just lost my 1st attempt 3 wk into flower thanks again. D
The plants are playing mind games on you @Dosmokethereefa -- they look fine. Small plants in a big pot hopefully growing a nice set of roots. You can play too, moving your watering ring to the outer edge of your pots.
Thanx indc4nw she doesnt look sick in anyway just looks like other 2 have got 2 days on her in truth all germed same day if anythin she was a little slower to peep thru once potted, 2 royal bluematic 1 Royal jack auto all in coco/soil/perlite/claypebs over 2 inch claypebs in fabric pots started light feed ystdy coco a+b, hydro silicon,multi-total 1/8 th strength i initially charged medium with molasses and myco evenin b4 transplant im paranoid cos just lost my 1st attempt 3 wk into flower thanks again. D