Active Member
This is more of a question than a topic. I gave a familiy member a B.O.M.B. seedling. She kept it for awhile and fed it very small amounts of mirricle grow. She burned it some not much early on. After the damage was done she brought it back for me to fix. after flushing, then re-planting a week later it started to come back. now it seems to be re-covering. But this is the kicker it seemed to have mutated, this little one foot plant has thrown a 15 blade leaf. Weird looking little bastered. I've never seen this with B.O.M.B as it is mostly indica. Strange just wondered if any one has ever witnessed mutation caused by miricle grow. I know its a stretch because mutation generally takes awille to manifest itself, and the truth is if its a psudo I probably won't give it back. strange anyway.......