Are these big ole balls?

ive been waiting for them to show sex for a bit now and was wondering what was takin so long, well ones showin now

woke up today to water them and came to see this and postin pics to make sure before i yank her/him. :/

this is my first time sexin plants so bear with me if this is obvious. its confusing me cause yea there is an assload of what i believe are balls here but also a little bud lookin thing on top. idk

another branches balls

:( :( :( :( :( :( :( :(

males right?



Active Member
I pulled a male yesterday but it did not have but one ball on it.
My question is...the plant in the picture, is it old enough to pollenate a female plant yet??
My plant is in the 2nd week of flowering and the white hairs are brown now. I hope my females wont be loaded with seeds. Like I said the male I pulled up wasn't as far along as the plant in the pic.
Not trying to hijack the post.