Are these buds moldy? (pics)


Hey I just got some weed and when I smoked it I got a pain in my lungs and later on I had the worst headache ever. Upon inspecting the weed it seems like there's a white powdery substance on it, but my girlfriend thinks it's just the thc crystals and she says she didn't get lung pain or a headache from smoking it.

I put it in the freezer earlier just in case it is mold so no more will grow, and when I took it out right now to take pics it seemed like there was less of the white than before I put it in the freezer. Would freezing it reduce the mold? Also there was alot of condensation on the outside of the container. My phone kind of sucks for taking pictures but here are a few, let me know what you guys think. Thanks.


Active Member
it would appear as though they are wouldn't it. Simply Yes in fact they are and that's a bumber how much was like that? you can take whatever aint molded and let it set out in the open for awhile then put in new jars.


Before I put it in the freezer I thought it smelled pretty moldy, but now it doesn't. Does that make sense though? I didn't think freezing it would actually get rid of any mold, just prevent further growth?


Active Member
maby it is moldy ..the pics are a little blurry but it looks like some dank stuff to me tbh ... lol ...I'd probally put that shit n a bowl instead of the freezer ..... but like I said it is a little blurry and I cant smell it ... so who knows


Hmm ya I dunno I just smoked some more right now and my lungs and head are fine... maybe I just smoked too much at once before and my headache was from something unrelated? What about the smell though? Could it have had a weird smell because it was wet and putting it in the freezer dried it some so now it smells good? There was alot of condensation on the container but does that make sense I don't see how a freezer would dry something out?