Are these hairs and budding soon?


Active Member
Yea... this plant is so dinky but its in an outdoor pot and... I'm not even sure what its going to become.2.jpg1.jpg


Active Member
i dont see any pistols yet . the
'hairs" otherwise known as pistols are white and very distinct. if you want to find out the sex of a plant just put it in a 12hr light cycle for a few day then it will show its sex then you can put it back in veg if you want to or keep it flowering on the 12 hr cycle. looks good though. happy growing


Well-Known Member
I dont see any pistils. You didnt give a good idea of how big/developed the plant is overall from the pics but you should probably start seeing preflowers soon. They show up when a plant is mature regardless of the light cycle its under. Alternating nodes show up when a plant is mature too, i usually wait till i see them and then start looking for preflowers. Note- female Preflowers do not always form correctly at first so you should not chop a plant based off preflowers.(a large majority of the time they are correct but its better safe than sorry, ive had plants i was sure were male surprise me before and i know im not the only one it occasionally happens too) if you think youve got a male on your hands based off the preflowers put it into 12/12 first to confirm it, since it is mature and ready to flower it wont be long till you can tell for sure.


Well-Known Member
yeah its still veggie just leave it outside till august 1 and it will show. right around august 1st plants start to flower naturally outside. its all based on how much darkness you get as in august the days get noticeable shorter