Are these ladies done? Confusing me.


Active Member
Hello, It seems like my ladies have not moved in a week except for the sugar leaves yellowing. I am almost out of my medicine so I really want them to be done but I am going back and forth on them. They should have been done time wise on january 25th, the last few batches were but these 2 seem like they are taking longer. Maybe not what do you think? My amateur brain is saying a few more weeks still.

Northern Lights:
2-nl2108 (1) - Copy.JPG

Desert Diesel or Sour Diesel I can not remember
2-dd2108 (2) - Copy.JPG
2-dd2108 (2) - Copy.JPG
Breaders times aren’t always accurate when it comes to finishing you really need a scope to check the trics only cheap to pick up get a better result to as you can harvest to your specific need Amber or cloudy depending what your after as for the pics you have put up still a lot of white pistols standing on end.
Best way (and the only way in my opinion) to tell when your bud is done is to check it under a jeweler's loupe (at least 30x) and check the trichomes. @vostok just posted a great picture on another thread. I'll link the picture here.

Thank you very much all! I have a loupe but its hard for me to keep it still enough to see. I have better luck with backwards binoculars. I will try harder :)