Are these pollen balls, confused......6 week into flow.


Well-Known Member
Are these balls or i am over worried. I put a lot of damn work into these girls so i need to make sure.IMG-20110329-00366.jpgIMG-20110331-00387.jpgIMG-20110331-00375.jpgIMG-20110331-00382.jpgIMG-20110331-00393.jpgIMG-20110331-00377.jpgIMG-20110331-00379.jpgIMG-20110329-00359.jpg


Well-Known Member
wooshh , alright good :)
quick question so ill know for the future. if there are balls on a plant they start off at the main stem correct, because there's so many hidden places on the plant that is hard to find. if you need to cut em off it won't open the pollen into the air when cut ?


Well-Known Member
First... pollen sacs can start at very random places so there is no particular place to look for them.,so just make sure to look everywhere diligently.....and second it depends on how far along they are when you discover if you do find any a way to be safe is to spray them with a fine mist of water...once pollen gets wet it becomes sterile....


Well-Known Member
The caylxes look awfully big and swollen and more detached from the stem for the little caylxes that are normal on the plant in pic 8.