Hi I occasionaly like to post on here. I was wondering if these were ready for picking. I have never grown before but wanted some advise. This is for myself. Thanks
Some details on setup, how long you have been flowering, what type of lighting, and what about them makes you think it could be time..... all could be helpful in analysis of maturity.
I always guesstimate on the LONG side of maturity, so I'm gonna say another 5-8 weeks.
Nope Actually its a blue berry at 8 feet tall and a Og strand at 4 feet.. They are 5 weeks into flowering. I have tasted them ( come on cut me some break its my first grow. LOL ) and the high is unbelievable. I cannot wait for the finish product. But of course spider mites invaded my crop. I dont want to add anything extra. I even got my free sample of sns 217. So I just add water when ever needed and have them on soil. The light is a 400 hps in a 4 x 6 room
How come no one has mentioned the fact that he has spider mites?!?!
that was the FIRST thing i saw. white spotted leaves, crospy tips, on the first pic you can visialy see a small black mite on the underside of the leaf....
. But of course spider mites invaded my crop. I dont want to add anything extra.