Are these stretching/leggy ?


Well-Known Member
I have some clones about 9 of them outside under 30% shade cloth , with 150watt led light for supplemental lighting to keep them from flowering.. in 3 gallon plastic pots .

But they seem to be stretching to me , it could possibly the light on thts not strong enough? If so I do have a 300 watt light too I can use instead ..
Here are some pics tho, what do y’all think?5BB0D559-1EEA-4624-8706-A7E2FABE4FA4.jpeg30B38A0E-93FA-4798-9235-ED479F6F9F8D.jpeg074E300B-C890-4231-A2CE-46F32261B155.jpeg


Star Dog

Well-Known Member
It looks like it would benifit from more light and some training, I think it's pointless to top it now so i'd tie the top down to create a bush with level canopy and evenly lit.