Are these swollen calyxes or seed pods


Well-Known Member
The past few day the hairs on my plant are turning brownish color n it kinda looks like there's going to be seeds in it but not sure can u check out the pics n let me know what u think it is thanks


Well-Known Member
I switch to from CFLs to my hps n that's when it started this shit I don't understand how its growing seeds man this sux soon as I seen lil sacks on the males I cut them down owell guess I'll have seeds to grow thanks guys for input but my plant should be done very soon n the seeds are no where near done or will not be mature by time plant is done what should I do ?


Well-Known Member
Dude you can see banana's, the male sex organ, all over that plant.

All those little yellow hooky things are not leaves. They are pollen dropping nana's, don't feel bad they are really hard to spot as a new grower. If you'd like I can reupload your picture with all the nana's highlighted for you.


Well-Known Member
i highlited all the nanners visible and some in the background that looked like potentials. By the looks of that plant she's going to be covered from head to toe.

You can eat the seeds, actually quite healthy, and hash the plant. Get some cheap bubble bags of the amazon. Use the let overs from making bubble for cooking and you've utilized the plant quite well without having to deal with the bullshit of seeded bud.

Also like to note that this has been going on for 3-4 weeks at the least.



Well-Known Member
How can 1 plant out of 6-7 just have the seeds when they are all in same room n tent but I harvested the one lil one I had n not one seed my buddy had a male that all sack were open n I was by it maybe got on my clothes n I took it home idk but its all good all I can do is learn from my mistakes for next grow


Well-Known Member
Well if everything else in the room is fine then it could be a couple things. It may not have been sensitive to nutrients and been stressed that way. Or there was a light leak near this plant and maybe it blocked the light leak from the other plants. Leaves look nice and green in the picture with no burn so I doubt it was nutrient caused stress. I'd inspect your grow for light leaks.

OR it could just be genetics. I've had it happen due to genetics, luckily in my case it was sterile pollen and did not impregnate herself. That's not the case for yours sadly.

Also get everything out of your grow and spray and wipe with water so you don't get hermie pollen on your next batch of flowering ladies.


Well-Known Member
Should I remove this plant out of tent will it pollenate other plants
I would gently removed it from the tent and cut it down in another room away from my grow.

Then I went lightly mist everything else in the grow with water. Water kills the pollen. If you have budding plants make sure you have really good air circulation or you might get bud rot. Leave the door open if you can and add an extra fan.


Well-Known Member
I always leave the door on my tent open n get in the same room in the closet I have a few plants on 24hrs n the light comes out the crack but not much but I bet light leak is the problem or stress I had to hide my plants n keep them in the dark for way longer then 12 hrs a few times due to a inspection from my landlord so who know but next time I know what I need to do can u check out my other post about my delahaze I want it short so idk if I should putvon 12-12 now its 4 weeks from seed thanks


Well-Known Member
I've grown plants 12/12 from seed. You want em short switch to 12/12 whenever you want. She may still stretch quite a bit be prepared. I've had topped 12/12 from seed plants hit 3 feet with ease.


Well-Known Member
Ok I'm going to switch to 12-12 today I got a dragons breath started and its so deformed its crazy u think it will eventually grow out ok I can post pic later but don't even look like a weed plant


Well-Known Member
Ok I'm going to switch to 12-12 today I got a dragons breath started and its so deformed its crazy u think it will eventually grow out ok I can post pic later but don't even look like a weed plant
You never know man, some turn normal once they hit flower. Others stay weird forever.

I've heard many a story about epic frosty plants coming from mutants, and huge yeilders. So hopefully you get something awesome.