If the soil was super dry, it may have went hydrophobic so the water just ran around it so to speak, and out of the potJust had some crazy shit happen I watered the tall one like an hour n half ago and it had a lil bit of runoff but not much , I look at it a few minutes ago and it's dripping a bunch of runoff after it stopped drippin for like an hour ..can anyone explain that?
It was doing that at first drippin out the sides alot so I watered it even more and I guess it sat in there for an hour then recently started drippin outIf the soil was super dry, it may have went hydrophobic so the water just ran around it so to speak, and out of the pot
Idk man my plants are looking happy it might just be the soil is compacted hopefully it aint hydrophobicIf the soil was super dry, it may have went hydrophobic so the water just ran around it so to speak, and out of the pot
Ok cool I'm not sure If it is It's doing real good seems this strain is more resistant to pests because I rarely find anything on it..I heard somewhere that plants with anthocyanin are more resistant..but even my other 2 are doing pretty well they are just half the size of the purple stem oneI agree she looks great. Also if the soil has gone hydrophobic you can use a drop or two of dish soap in your water