New Member

I'm growing in a bathroom vanity that's 2.5' L by 1.5' W and about 3' high. I've been growing 2 NL fems from seed that I got from Nirvana. I'm using FF Happy Frog with about 30% perlite in Solo sized seedling pots from HD. Seeds sprouted rather quickly, and have been pretty healthy since. I'm using 200 watts worth of CFL bulbs that are about an inch away from my plants. They emit relatively no heat and are rather efficient for my set up. I have an oscillating fan going to allow for air circulation. I've removed the rolling drawers which leaves 4"x4" openings at the top for heat to escape and air to enter. Low temps at night are around 70-72 degrees and the highs range between 78-82 degrees. Humidity is about 30-40% consistently. I'm on the 18/6 light cycle which seems to be working well. I water them every 2-3 days which allows for sufficient drying between waterings-but not too dry to the point of droopy leaves.
The plants are on day 16 from germination. They are both about 2.5" tall and 4" wide. They are both on their 5th set of leaves. There is super tight node spacing, which I understand is not necessarily a bad thing. They are both vibrantly green and look really healthy, aside from the first set of leaves on both which are only slightly lighter than the rest of the plant. It's barely noticeable unless you look at the plants really closely. It may be time to transplant soon as the roots are visible in the holes at the bottom of the pot. One plant more so than the other, but both visible.
I have not fed the plants any nutrients yet, as I figured the FF Happy Frog came pre-loaded for a start. I plan on transplanting into a mix of FF Ocean Forest and FF Happy Frog with 30-40% perlite. I'm going to be moving the plants into 2 gallon fabric pots.
With all that said, I'm a little curious as to why these plants are still so tiny. I had not been checking pH of my water until last night. The reading was around 8, which is a little high. I use tap water that has been sitting in a covered bottle, so I'm not sure if that's okay. Because I was concerned that the soil's pH may be off, I did a run off test this morning after adjusting my water's pH to 6.4 for the first time. The run off's numbers were in about the same range-6.3. What does this mean, if anything? I'm hoping that the soil's pH is within optimal rage for a marijuana grow, but I can't really tell from the test I've done. I'm hoping there isn't a nutrient lockout, but if there is, how do I fix it? From now on, I plan on pH'ing the water I give the plants since the first couple of waterings weren't ideal pH wise.
I know I have to be a little more patient and give these babies some time. If anyone has any input, advice, or suggestions, please let me know!!