are they ready ?


Well-Known Member
hi all
we are 6 weeks in to flowering
all of the white hairs have turned orangey brown( nearly brown)
is this a sign to harvest, the buds arnt that big maybe 11/2oz off each plant and the plants are 32 34 ins tall
i no this is a problem but i dont no what strain it is
any advice would be really apperciated
thanks in advance :-? :joint:


Well-Known Member
don't matter what strain it is really just as long as you get a finished product. we will worry about strains later on. get real close to hte buds and tell us what color the ends of the tri's look like. and how long have you been flowering?


Well-Known Member
hi meat
we are 6 weeks into flowering
by tri's do u mean the hairs on the bud if so thay are orengey brown (mostly brown)
i'l try and get some pics up tomorrow

i totally agree about the finished product after all thats why we grow lol

thanx for any info you can provide now and for the future as this is a critical stage now we have never got this far before


Well-Known Member
What are Trichomes?

capitate stalked trichome photo by: Eirik

Although cannabis resin glands called trichomes are structurally diverse, they come in three basic varieties:

The bulbous type is the smallest (15-30 micron). From one to four cells make up the "foot" and "stalk," and one to four cells make up the "head" of the gland. Head cells secrete a resin - presumably cannabinoids, and related compounds which accumulate between the head cells and the cuticle. When the gland matures, a nipple-like protrusion may form on the membrane from the pressure of the accumulating resin. The bulbous glands are found scattered about the surfaces of the above-ground plant parts.

The second type of gland is much larger & is more numerous than the bulbous glands. They are called capitate, which means having a globular-shaped head. On immature plants, the heads lie flush, appearing not to have a stalk and are called capitate sessile. They actually have a stalk that is one cell high, although it may not be visible beneath the globular head. The head is composed of usually eight, but up to 16 cells, that form a convex rosette. These cells secrete cannabinoids, and related compounds which accumulate between the rosette and it's outer membrane. This gives it a spherical shape. The gland measures from 25 to 100 micron across.

Cannabinoids are most abundant in the capitate-stalked gland which consists of a tier of secretory disc cells subtending a large non-cellular secretory cavity. During flowering the capitate glands that appear on the newly formed plant parts take on a third form. Some of the glands are raised to a height of 150 to 500 micron when their stalks elongate. These capitate-stalked glands appear during flowering and form their densest cover on the female flower bracts. They are also highly concentrated on the small leaves that accompany the flowers. The male flowers have stalked glands on the sepals, but they are smaller and less concentrated than on the female bracts. Male flowers form a row of very large capitate glands along the opposite sides of anthers.

photo by: Proof_of_the_pudding

photo by: Proof_of_the_pudding
The figures above denote capitate-stalked trichomes with green arrows, the bulbous trichomes with yellow arrows & the red arrows mark the capitate-sessile trichomes. Cyan arrows denote cystolith hairs.

Life inside a capitate-stalked trichome

image by: Snaps_Provolone
Disc cells, attached to leaf or bract by stipe cells (RED) & basal cells (GREEN), release fibrillar wall matrix into secretory cavity where it contributes to thickening of subcuticular wall during enlargement of secretory cavity. Plastids (ORANGE) in disc cells produce secretions called lipoplasts which synthesize quantities of lipophilic substances that accumulate outside the plasma membrane, migrating into the endoplasmic reticular cytoplasm and through the plasma membrane and cell wall into the secretory cavity where they form vesicles (BLUE) in the secretory cavity. Vesicles in contact with the subcuticular wall release contents that contribute to the growth of the cuticle during the enlargement of the secretory cavity. THC occurs in the walls, fibrillar matrix & other contents surrounding the vesicles, but not in the vesicles. Trace amounts of THC is present in the disc cells.

photo by: Eirik

When to harvest your trichomes
There are several schools of thought as to when it is the time to harvest. I shall attempt to explain how you can determine the harvesting time that will produce the most favorable psychoactive effect for your individual preferences.

We are most concerned with the capitate-stalked trichomes, as these contain the overwhelming majority of the psychoactive cannabinoids (THC, THCV, CBN). Different cannabinoids affect the high in a multifaceted manner.

delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol & delta-8-tetrahydrocannabinol - THC mimics the action of anandamide, a neurotransmitter produced naturally in the body, which binds with the cannabinoid receptors in the brain to produce the ?high? associated with marijuana. THC possesses high UV-B (280-315 nm) absorption properties.

tetrahydrocannabivarin - prevalent in certain South African and Southeast Asian strains of cannabis. It is said to produce a ?clearer high? & seems to possess many of the therapeutic properties of THC.

cannabidiol - previously believed to be psychoactive, or to contribute to the high by interacting with other cannabinoids, conversely the most recent research indicates that CBD has negligible effect on the high, it is however a strong anti-inflammatory, and may take the edge off some THC effects, such as anxiety. CBD as a non-psychoactive cannabinoid appears to be helpful for many medical conditions. CBD biosynthesizes into cannabinol (CBN) & tetrahydrocannabinol (THC).

cannabinol - a degradation product of THC, produces a depressant effect, ?fuzzy? forehead.

cannabichromene - non-psychoactive , a precursor to THC.

cannabigerol - non-psychoactive, hemp strains often posses elevated levels of CBG while possessing only trace amounts of THC.

Heavy trichome production is not necessarily an indication of a potent plant. Some hemp strains have moderate layers of trichomes yet pack only a strong headache. In a drug strain, a thick layer of trichomes is a symbol that it may well posses an elevated potency level, but it is certainly not a guarantee.


Well-Known Member
A+++ what a perfect post that thing should be stickied and all newb read it. steve, get close to your trees and while not looking at the hairs, look at the little white hairs all over it. what do the ends look like? are the clear or amber colored?


Well-Known Member
thanks for that info mogie
but we havnt got a clue what it is going on about
still dont no where to look for these tri's so we can take a pic
is there any chance of you putting it in simpler terms
sorry to be a pain but this is our first time :smile:
thanks again for the info and help :joint: :peace:


Well-Known Member
oh right think i no what you mean
the little white hairs which are on the stems ? not the white hairs which are on the buds am i understanding you right meat ??


Well-Known Member
thanks for your help meat but......
we both had a good look at the plants after we read what you said and we just couldnt see what you are saying
we took some pics will put them up tommorrow but dont think they will help much
just think we might have to bluff this one and hope for the best
thanks any way


Active Member
The trichomes can be seen on the leaves surrounding the flowering tops if you use a 30x magnifier. If you take a half decent digital picture of the buds, you can see the trichomes if you zoom in (using most artwork programmes).

Still not sure when to harvest even if I can identify the trichomes!

From what I have read harvesting when the trichomes are clear you have a sativa typebuzz. The trich's then turn cloudy then amber. By the time they are amber you get a couchlocksmoke. Is this info accurate? At what stage do you guys/gals harvest?


Uses the Rollitup profile
Yeah, the white hairs that you see on a bud are the pistils, and they will wither to a brownish/red color, and when in abundance on the dried bud it's called red-hair bud. From outward appearances only, you can harvest when most of these have turned.

From a magnification view, the trichomes are the resin glands, and I watch for when most are cloudy or opaque to harvest. These will take on a sugar crystal look when ripe. When they sparkle, they are ripe.

HTH :mrgreen: