Are we just 3D holograms created by 2D information stored at the edge of the universe


Well-Known Member
The images on your computer screen also exist in software as a series of ones and zeros. The music coming from your headphones might come from those same ones and zeros - or from carefully-pressed plastic, or from laser-etched metal. A lot of things you interact with daily come from information that's stored in many formats…and so are you. According to physicist Leonard Susskind, the three-dimensional universe is a hologram, a projection of two-dimensional information stored along the boundary of the universe.

"This is a real disconnect and it's very hard to get your head around," said Susskind in the first episode of NOVA's The Fabric of the Cosmos with Brian Greene. But the concept of the universe as a hologram arises from the mathematical study of black holes. When an object - say a red rubber ball - gets sucked into a black hole, it passes the event horizon and is lost. The distinctions that make that object unique, however, do not disappear. Instead, information about the ball's redness and spherical shape spreads over the surface of the event horizon, forming a two-dimensional shell of information. Theoretically, a computer could even use that shell to reconstruct a duplicate of the original ball.

The math that describes the black hole's information shell matches the math describing the universe as a hologram. Although the concept seems utterly alien, Susskind says, "I think it's already reached a consensus" in the theoretical physics community. Still, the theory could be proven wrong - except any experiment devised to do so would be too complex for our technology to implement.
So what effect does this revamping of reality have on our lives? According to Susskind, not much. "I'm a normal human being," he says, "I don't think holographically."


Well-Known Member
Physicality is based on vibration. In 3rd Dimension, energy vibrates at a slow rate so as to appear solid. There are at least 15 dimensions beyond this, and 2 below.

If you are old enough to recall (~ late 60s early 70s?), the group The 5th Dimension had a hit titled The Age of Aquarius. We have been in Aquarius, the doorway. 2012 marks the shift to 5D, where the environment will become less physical and we become homo-illuminous.


Well-Known Member
yes, thats glowing homo´s for the layman, homo illuminous.

its fags that glow in the dark from accidentally swallowing one too many glow in the dark condoms.

there´s a term for women too, but i forgets :)


Well-Known Member
nah, homo illuminous, the enlightened human.

now that would be fucking nice.

but i dont see how some cosmic ray is gonna turn the majority of morons into thinking beings.

there is no switch for enlightenment,it requires effort..


Well-Known Member
lol i watched that program the other day....nuked my head for about 2 think ill be in this shitty council house poor as fook forever bein replayd by a black hole projector makes me wanna top


Well-Known Member
the problem is that what each one of us wants is more than what we need....


Well-Known Member
lol, I nearly got to find out for myself, just came out of hospital after haveing my first heart attack.


Well-Known Member
My favorite theory is that the whole universe is all just a computer simulation kind of like the Sims.


Well-Known Member
gotta go back to hospital now now, checked myself out last night... but feeling ok, just tired mate :)


Well-Known Member
I'm tough as shit and grew up with a heart patient in the house, so it wasn't too scary.
Just hate all the needles they stick into you, I look like a heroine fiend this morning.

Thanks for the kind thoughts


Active Member
gotta go back to hospital now now, checked myself out last night... but feeling ok, just tired mate :)
Sending some positive healing energy your way m8.

Need to take extra care with the chemicals now man. I've felt my heart take off at some times during my CID trips. Lucky for me I'm quite fit.
Was the heart attack stored digitally on the surface of the event horizon too? Or was it just a little too much fat built-up in one of your artieries?

Your heart is a real, living, beating thing, ANC. Take good care of it. The stuff over the event horizon is of absolutely no use to you. Ignore it and just watch what you eat.



Well-Known Member
Thanks man, Iguess I'm not doing an update tommorrow, the doctor just phoned now after getting my bloodwork, I'm being booked into ICU...