Well-Known Member
smoke some weed and tell me what you think about the aliens!!!
you watched the movie? im not so sold on aliens myself, yet! i would like to debate about it thoughwell of course I believe in UFOs. UFO = unidentified flying object. If I see it flying, and I don't know what the fuck it is, it's a UFO as far as I'm concerned.
lol, but seriously, I've seen some trippy shit out in the desert. When you think about how HUGE the universe is, isn't it a little...naive of us to think we're the only ones here?
so you watched the movie? my mom is SUPER religious also! lolwell, my mom is SUPER-religious so I was raised thinking the bible was fact, and it never says anything about aliens. but on the other hand how could there not be anything else living out in space. so if your not religious how can you not believe in aliens, and if you are you kinda can't.
post a link about the apocalypse.I wasn't able to draw any more conclusions then before watching the film. There was a thread here the other day about the U.N and all the world governments disclosing all this info in 2012 I believe.
Dude, I told you to watch that and you make a thread! I guess it blew your mind huh?smoke some weed and tell me what you think about the aliens!!!
ohh hey zen!!! whats up buddy? ummm ya to say the least it blew my mind, what a bug out. sorry i didnt reply to the post you gave me with that link. i got excited and carried away after seeing the movie!!Dude, I told you to watch that and you make a thread! I guess it blew your mind huh?
If they really are out there, then I would have to say aliens. I know it sounds like I'm being sarcastic er sumthing but beond that I really don't know?post a link about the apocalypse.
it makes me wonder if the government is "humanoid aliens" them guys all look funny to me lol
but for real, thats some crazy shit, im dont know what to believe now. ive been having an extremely enlightening week, and the disclosed info has not been so peachy.
mexiblunt, who do you think are flying these "ufos"? thats if you belive they are even being flown???
Do not conform to the ignorant masses with their patronizing amusement toward the speculation of life existing beyond our planet. People are afraid of change to their ideals and thus they lock themselves in the sanctuary of what they deem reality.ohh hey zen!!! whats up buddy? ummm ya to say the least it blew my mind, what a bug out. sorry i didnt reply to the post you gave me with that link. i got excited and carried away after seeing the movie!!
im still dumbfounded from the awe of realization that either we have aliens or our government is full POS actors!!!!!
Zen, whats your 2 cents on the subject? believe or disbelieve, and your logic behind it as well, it you dont mind
watch out for the little green men ppl
very eloquently said Zen,The truth is out there, if your willing to see it.
Yes it would.I Fail to accept that out of all the possible millions of planets/galaxies we havent discoverd, we are the only life form. im sorry its just such a dumb thing to think.
and if you take it to religion, why on earth would God (whichever religion your follow) make all of these planets and whatnot 'just for show' when we havent even discoverd
most of them. wouldnt that be poinmtless?
mexi said that there was parts of the disclosure on CNN, or some news channel.The reason why the disclosure project has not gained any momentum is purely because the media ignored it. They need recognition of the mainstream media and the support of the public to force Congress to hold hearings.