Are you Cloning with 100% succes ??? How‍♂️

Island Stoner

Active Member
I need some advice and tips on cloning especially in a warmer environment like 28-31 Celsius, how do you do it? I just tired of being tired at this point‍♂️, Cali, Colorado, Arizona, even Mexico, Texas tappp in.....
I get near 100% success with rockwool in a dome. It's in the house with ambient air temp of like 73F, so I use a heating mat set around 79F.

I prep a solution of 1/8 strength veg nutes and 1/8 strength flower nutes mixed together in a bucket, so total 1/4 strength mix. I add a dash of kelp to the mix too. I use tap water that comes out of the faucet at pH8.4 and 200ppm. I adjust the pH down to between 6.0-6.5 using ascorbic acid. I put the rockwool to soak in the solution while I prepare to take cuttings.

I usually spray my mothers the night before I take cuttings. I spray them every few weeks with a mix of Azamax, BT, Spinosad, and GFF to keep them free of pests and PM. I include 1/4 strength mix of veg nutes in the spray when I apply. If I don't spray them the night before I take cuttings, then I make a mix of the same ingredients in a bucket, and I dunk the cuttings before I stab them into the rockwool. Mites, thrips, and PM make things really bad, so do whatever you can do safely to prevent those things on your clones and your grow in general.

Before starting taking cuts, I pull the rockwool out of the nutrient solution and let the excess solution run out of it. The material should be saturated, but not so much that it is dripping out a lot into the tray I put it in under the dome.

Use a clean razor blade to cut from the mother plant. Use the healthiest looking cuttings you can. You can still root a stressed out looking cutting, but the probability of success is lower. Make your cutting just below a node, so that at least one node will be below the substrate and at least one new growth shoot above the substrate.

On a clean cutting surface, use the blade to cut off any leaf or sucker from the lowest node that will be below the substrate, and make the lowest cut end a clean cut at a 45 degree slant angle. On the nodes that will be above the surface, cut off fan leaves, but leave on the little new growth suckers. On the top set of newest fan leaves, I leave them on but slice off the tips of the leaf blades......because they will droop and this makes me sad.

If I didn't spray the night before, at this point i dunk them in the solution mentioned above.

Then, I dip the cut tip into cloning solution, and stab it into the rockwool. Be firm but gentle on the stab. Take care to not snap it as you stab it in.

If the clones are wet from being dunked, leave in a low light area with the dome off until the surace of the clone is dry. While they are wet with this solution, do not get strong light or sunlight on them. This will fry them. The surface of the plant must be completely dry from this solution when you put it under light.

Now, put the dome on with vents closed and put in place under low light. I start them off around 90ppfd and bump them up to 150ppfd over the course of about 1 week. I leave the light on 24 hours. I usually see roots popping through the rockwool in 10 to 14 days. Some varieties clone faster/easier than others. I just leave the vents closed and don't mess with them until they start rooting. No additional watering or spraying until I see roots and open the top. Harden them off to the ambient humidity and stronger light slowly, they are still very fragile at the point when they first show roots.

Good luck! Peace ✌

I'm 100% with root riot cubes in ziploc bags or domes. Once you get the moisture level perfect and can squeeze out the right amount of water each time you need to moisten them, then you start getting roots sooner and sooner. But the most important thing for any method is to keep them warm (just like seeds), with a very mild light (you don't want to push growth, just roots), and moist, not wet, media. Moist on the drier side, not on the wetter side. I use rooting gel, and soak the cubes in a mild Mr Fulvic, seaweed extract, tribus solution, and I always spray the cuttings first with Southern Ag Garden Friendly Fungicide (or Tribus, if I'm out of GFF), then shake the water off before putting them in the bag. Also, never mist the cuttings directly. If they are drying out, spray the dome-you should never need to spray a sealed ziploc bag though, just open them once per day to air them out and re-adjust the moisture level of the cube. Be careful when you squeeze out the water because roots might have formed from the 2nd day. I find bigger cuts grow roots faster and hold moisture better. Good luck! Keep practicing whatever method you choose and you'll be at 100% shortly. Just keep cloning until you get it, for the practice.
Have you tried just leaving cuts in a cup of water, or water bottle? It works for me, just takes about 10-14 days for roots.
All that it’s needed is to monitor the water level. They will drink a little. It’s not a very popular method, but it works. I never do anything to add humidity, or dial in temps to get it done. It just goes on the floor of the tent.
Are you using a dome after you first take your cuttings? I've cloned when the temps were where yours are at. All I do is take the cutting, dip in cheap Miracle-Gro FastRoot powder which is just IBA like the other brands and then into small containers of coco. Then they go under the dome for 3-4 days. That's all I do. I don't use any other products. I've used plain honey before with the same success as using an IBA based cloning agent.

It's a pretty simple task. Just cut them, dip them, put under dome, and wait.

This was taken a few weeks into flower, dipped in honey, and put under a dome.

Cloning powder / gel isn't even necessary. I've always just used tap water in a domed tray. I used to use rockwool macro plugs, but I switched to Root Riot plugs about a year ago and am very happy with them. It's usually close to a 100% success rate, and I'm taking 30 to 50 cuts at a time.
Are you using a dome after you first take your cuttings? I've cloned when the temps were where yours are at. All I do is take the cutting, dip in cheap Miracle-Gro FastRoot powder which is just IBA like the other brands and then into small containers of coco. Then they go under the dome for 3-4 days. That's all I do. I don't use any other products. I've used plain honey before with the same success as using an IBA based cloning agent.

It's a pretty simple task. Just cut them, dip them, put under dome, and wait.

This was taken a few weeks into flower, dipped in honey, and put under a dome.

Nice, I was saying I got to try coco as well yess, thanks alot
I get near 100% success with rockwool in a dome. It's in the house with ambient air temp of like 73F, so I use a heating mat set around 79F.

I prep a solution of 1/8 strength veg nutes and 1/8 strength flower nutes mixed together in a bucket, so total 1/4 strength mix. I add a dash of kelp to the mix too. I use tap water that comes out of the faucet at pH8.4 and 200ppm. I adjust the pH down to between 6.0-6.5 using ascorbic acid. I put the rockwool to soak in the solution while I prepare to take cuttings.

I usually spray my mothers the night before I take cuttings. I spray them every few weeks with a mix of Azamax, BT, Spinosad, and GFF to keep them free of pests and PM. I include 1/4 strength mix of veg nutes in the spray when I apply. If I don't spray them the night before I take cuttings, then I make a mix of the same ingredients in a bucket, and I dunk the cuttings before I stab them into the rockwool. Mites, thrips, and PM make things really bad, so do whatever you can do safely to prevent those things on your clones and your grow in general.

Before starting taking cuts, I pull the rockwool out of the nutrient solution and let the excess solution run out of it. The material should be saturated, but not so much that it is dripping out a lot into the tray I put it in under the dome.

Use a clean razor blade to cut from the mother plant. Use the healthiest looking cuttings you can. You can still root a stressed out looking cutting, but the probability of success is lower. Make your cutting just below a node, so that at least one node will be below the substrate and at least one new growth shoot above the substrate.

On a clean cutting surface, use the blade to cut off any leaf or sucker from the lowest node that will be below the substrate, and make the lowest cut end a clean cut at a 45 degree slant angle. On the nodes that will be above the surface, cut off fan leaves, but leave on the little new growth suckers. On the top set of newest fan leaves, I leave them on but slice off the tips of the leaf blades......because they will droop and this makes me sad.

If I didn't spray the night before, at this point i dunk them in the solution mentioned above.

Then, I dip the cut tip into cloning solution, and stab it into the rockwool. Be firm but gentle on the stab. Take care to not snap it as you stab it in.

If the clones are wet from being dunked, leave in a low light area with the dome off until the surace of the clone is dry. While they are wet with this solution, do not get strong light or sunlight on them. This will fry them. The surface of the plant must be completely dry from this solution when you put it under light.

Now, put the dome on with vents closed and put in place under low light. I start them off around 90ppfd and bump them up to 150ppfd over the course of about 1 week. I leave the light on 24 hours. I usually see roots popping through the rockwool in 10 to 14 days. Some varieties clone faster/easier than others. I just leave the vents closed and don't mess with them until they start rooting. No additional watering or spraying until I see roots and open the top. Harden them off to the ambient humidity and stronger light slowly, they are still very fragile at the point when they first show roots.

Good luck! Peace ✌

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Thanks alot
I've never had an issue with my aero cloner. Dip in cloning gel, plug it in, and 7-10 days later, ready for my batch of ProMix. I use plain ole well water right out of the tap, and haven't lost a clone in years, some strains take longer than others to root.
I've never had an issue with my aero cloner. Dip in cloning gel, plug it in, and 7-10 days later, ready for my batch of ProMix. I use plain ole well water right out of the tap, and haven't lost a clone in years, some strains take longer than others to root.

Consider yourself lucky....I can't get away with tap water alone, although that's what the directions that came with it suggested. I tried many times. Maybe because I have well water, IDK. They would mostly turn to mush every time, after 10-14 days. A few would root, sometimes several, but no consistency.

I now get 100% success rate using plain water, with diluted pool shock added every 3 days. I also dip the clones in Dip-n- Grow first, and try to keep the cloner temps in the low 70's f, which I accomplish in the summer by using a cycle timer on the pump...1 minute on, 4 minutes off. Winter it can run 24/7.
SoCal here. Just did 42 “monster crop” cuttings and so far 38 have rooted. Just in a tent in my uninsulated garage. Used root riots and some random old rooting gel I found. I also used a clone dome and heating mats. Watered with slf100.
Just the coco left to try, (aeroponic )flowers rooting but weed still not a fucking thing‍♂️......I'm rying only perlite in a cup with the cutting that's looking like a failure, next is the plugs that I don't have yet, temps too might I think‍♂️
I used to clone on a very large scale using just clonex and a diy misting cloner. I’d get 95+% success with hundreds going at a time.
I’m not cloning anymore, but last spring I topped my 6 plants and just stuck the cuttings them in a tray with wet perlite and stuck a dome on it. 7 days later 8 of the 12 cuttings rooted and after 14 days those 8 were in soil.