Are You Racist? It Seems I Am!


Well-Known Member
I just took this test of implicit association to measure my unconscious levels of prejudice about gender, age, race, ect

it said i prefer slightly europeans over africans, it kinda shocked me because i consider my self very liberal

but also said that i have no preference of skin colors yeah im one of the cool stoners :blsmoke:

you can take the test here:


Well-Known Member
having preferences in physical apperance doesnt apply ur a racist. i prefer big titties, that doesnt mean i think they're any "better" than small ones.


Well-Known Member
i dont think the female mouth gets enough credit. nobodys gonna deny how great it is, but its rarely on the top of somebodies list.

im taking a stand! i am now officially a "mouth man"


Well-Known Member
Im a fan of it all...legs, ass, tits, thighs, calfs, feet, hair, hands and lips ( I think that rhymed)....all tools used for my pleasure.


Well-Known Member
having preferences in physical apperance doesnt apply ur a racist. i prefer big titties, that doesnt mean i think they're any "better" than small ones.
no, it doesnt mean that im racist, in rational thinking i consider everyone equal

but ''inferior'' brains like limbic system feel different, this is a kind of racism at unconsious levels