Arkansas : 5,000 birds & 100,000 Fish Dead.


Well-Known Member
The talking heads on the news channels can not explain why. They have speculated that a lack of oxygen in the water may have killed the fish. Or a disease could be the culprit.

The birds, the talking heads have speculated, were possibly stressed out all at once and fell out of the sky. Possibly by fireworks and/or gunshots at the strike of midnight in celebration of the new year could have been the cause of the stress that killed the birds. The birds were found early morning on 1/1/11 said to have deceased just before midnight according to witnesses.

First. It is 1/3/11. Why are we now only hearing about this? Perhaps because they needed time to get thier story straight. Knowing it would only be a matter of time before amateur videographers would be posting videos on the internet.

Second. Fireworks? Then why is it there are not a rash of dead birds found after the 4th of July? Do they think we are really that stupid? I know I'm not.

Now a question to all the people ther who would have an idea of what happend. Those in Arkansas and surrouding areas.
Has there been any adverse weather lately?
Have there been any strange rainbow formations on the clouds?
Like how gas and water looked mixed together.
Any strange cloud formations?

Please everyone share your theories. I am thinking HAARP. I know, I'm paranoid.



Well-Known Member
Reminds me of the cattle mutilations of the early 80's. There was a movie about it. Can't remember the name, I was too young.


Well-Known Member
I am not sure what news sources you watch/listen to but I heard it early yesterday or the day before.

Wierd event no matter what it was...


Well-Known Member
Seems to be a legit news story too, although some sources including local papers are reporting much lower numbers. Will be interesting how this unfolds.

Incidentally I see several stories dated only hours after the incident, so I don't think they kept it quiet for 3 days while 'getting their story straight'.


Well-Known Member
Well still no real explanation for this, except that there was indeed a violent storm in the area that night. In the past, birds have indeed been caught up in storms and die of exposure en mass. It is something that's rare, but not new. What still strikes me as odd is, it seems to be only one type of bird. Speculation is, the birds were roosting together, which they do in great numbers and often with just their own kind, when they got swept up and forced to navigate the storm.

Same thing with the fish, only one species washed up. We have seen mass amounts of fish wash up in the past at lakes and rivers who's oxygen content was depleted, or waters poisoned...but that effects all the fish. Only one type being effected suggests disease, but occurring in the same place and time as the birds dying is indeed spooky as hell.

The corpses have been sent off to labs for study and results are expected in about a week. In the meantime let's be careful to remember that unexplained does not necessarily equal unexplainable.


Active Member
While there are things out there that make me scratch my head, this is not one of them. When I was growing up in the midwest, in the evenings we would hear the cacophony of roosting blackbirds as they would literally cover the limbs of the taller trees. If you'd go out after dark it would be quiet with an occasional chirp, but throw a rock up into the tree and you'd get a lot of scolding. Now, if you've ever been out hunting with a shotgun and let off a shot next to a tree full of roosting birds, you know what happens. The sky darkens as they all launch into flight. So back to the news story. They reported that there was a storm system that went through the area before the incident. So...trees full of blackbirds/starlings, powerful bolt of lightning with accompanying thunder, sky fills with birds...then either violent hail, or more violent lightning/thunder (powerful sonic waves), they fall out of the sky dead or dying. No wonder the article says that these incidents are not that unusual, if you spend a lot of time outside it would be more surprising if it didn't. Anyway, that's my conjecture, for what it's worth.

An interesting sidepoint is the discussion of terminal velocity. The injuries described may be due to stunned birds falling out of the sky, then suffering trauma when they hit the ground. Since they don't mention broken wings, bones, etc., this may not be the case. But the smaller the bird, the less likely that the fall will kill them. The smaller and less streamlined a critter, the slower it's going to fall. The smaller you are, the less likely you will be to reach terminal velocity. Think of two extremes, a whale and a spider. You've all heard the apocryphal story of the whale that gets scooped up by a firefighting helicopter and splatters when it's dropped onto a burning forest. It's huge and sleek, so by the time it reaches the ground it's moving pretty fast. The other extreme is a small spider. You could drop one from the top of a skyscraper, and when it finally reached the ground it would just trot off as if nothing happened. In fact, this is a strategy employed by smaller spiders to travel long distances, just by traveling using air currents. So back to the story, if the injuries observed were from impact with the ground, you would expect death and injury to be more common among the larger birds, and smaller birds should be underrepresented in the total of dead birds.

guy incognito

Well-Known Member
I read about this new years day. It wasn't hidden. Probably got bird aids from being gay. God has smitten them.


Active Member
yes and he's ( dont tell me god is not a male, he was jesus' dad ffs), punishing those fucking australians for being excessively cocky the other week when they fluked a win against england, anyway ha ha were keeping the ashes, sad smitten aussies.
I read about this new years day. It wasn't hidden. Probably got bird aids from being gay. God has smitten them.


Well-Known Member
When you dig into this story it looks like nothing unnatural is going on. What sucks is when the answers end up being so mundane, the media rarely follows up on it. People only remember the strange headlines and are left thinking it's a mystery.


Active Member
But a natural cause is no less interesting! I worked in a ground floor office for a couple years when I noticed that in mid-summer, birds would for some reason start smacking into my window. Finally one day I put two and two together. There was a mulberry tree outside, and the birds would feast on the ripe berries. But they didn't stop there. As time went on, the berries would drop and eventually start to ferment. That's when the smacking would start. It became a humorous annual spectacle (humorous for everyone but the tipsy birds).


Active Member
And I think this highlights the difference between people whose first thought is always to use a supernatural explanation (aliens, gods, ghosts) for unexplained events. Think about it, stars used to be lights that God hung in the sky for background decorations. Now, through asking questions, we know they're huge nuclear furnaces just like our sun, each capable of supporting a planet(s) just like Earth. That's why I get so irritated when people who don't like to ask questions accuse rational people of trying to remove all the mystery in life. I see it as the exact opposite of that.


Well-Known Member
Usa today & Popular science say that necropsies revealed blunt trauma, and blood clots in thier brains. Citing a loud noise as the possible culprit. Upon hearing the noise the birds became disoriented and flew into buildings or tree trunks and killed themselves.

500 more dead birds found today in Louisiana.


Well-Known Member
what about the fish? anymore of those turn up dead in other places too? weird shit indeed!


Well-Known Member
Well the blogs are full of conspiracy theories about this event. Leading one seems to be chemtrails. Lots of claims of the end of the world, Jesus getting angry, ect.

Also notice that local papers say the official number was about 3000 as reported by game and wildlife officials. Once the story hit CNN it got raised to 5000, and in blogs and forums it's in the tens of thousands.

And now a new incident in LA, with the same type of birds is sure to fuel the theories.


New Member
oh yea, ive heard of this during the colbert report show thingy, i was like wtf? y so many birds and fishe died?o.0


Well-Known Member
But a natural cause is no less interesting! I worked in a ground floor office for a couple years when I noticed that in mid-summer, birds would for some reason start smacking into my window. Finally one day I put two and two together. There was a mulberry tree outside, and the birds would feast on the ripe berries. But they didn't stop there. As time went on, the berries would drop and eventually start to ferment. That's when the smacking would start. It became a humorous annual spectacle (humorous for everyone but the tipsy birds).
Truth is the birds see thier own reflection in the window. They are either protecting thier territory from the bird in the reflection, or trying to go to the tree they see in the reflection.