Arrow shipping


Well-Known Member
Man I don't know about these chuckleheads at Arrow's warehouse/shipping department! I ordered another 100 of the 22" Samsung strips. They arrived today in a HUGE box, 32x21x15! I opened it up and under the first layer of packing is two stacked trays with 72 strips in them. I dig some more and pull out an antistatic bag with 10 more strips in it. Then under that is another big box, 24x18x6 with another tray with the other 18 strips in it. They could have simply stacked the three trays together in the smaller box with the ten extra strips on top, and dispensed with the big box entirely.

Oh and the two power supplies I also ordered were shipped separately, when they could have easily fit in the big box with the strips.
Yeah, I've received some bizarre packing methods as well. One large tray ,nowhere near capacity with like 12 strips, then a few more inside a very slender anti static bag, and the drivers wrapped in a GARGANTUAN, potential world record size anti static bag. Which turns out, is a fantastic trim storage bag.
They definitely don't waste any time with shipping though, I've had orders on my doorstep in MI, in less than 24 hours!!!
Yeah, I've received some bizarre packing methods as well. One large tray ,nowhere near capacity with like 12 strips, then a few more inside a very slender anti static bag, and the drivers wrapped in a GARGANTUAN, potential world record size anti static bag. Which turns out, is a fantastic trim storage bag.
They definitely don't waste any time with shipping though, I've had orders on my doorstep in MI, in less than 24 hours!!!
Yeah, I love the free overnight shipping. No idea how they manage to make a profit at this.