Fart Vapor
Yesterday, I soaked a mite infested plant with Captain Jack’s Dead Bug premixed spray. This is what it looked like today:

Today, I soaked again. These bugs are all over the place. I have noticed that two of my plants are not infested because they are being blown in fastest setting of an oscillating fan.
Should I harvest the infested plant? Or wait?
Here is my prize plant:

Should I go ahead and harvest? Trichomes are not gold, but I’m terrified of the spider mites...

Today, I soaked again. These bugs are all over the place. I have noticed that two of my plants are not infested because they are being blown in fastest setting of an oscillating fan.
Should I harvest the infested plant? Or wait?
Here is my prize plant:

Should I go ahead and harvest? Trichomes are not gold, but I’m terrified of the spider mites...