At what scale do you think a cannabis grow is full-time with 1 person?

Probably depends on the setup. Indoors is more work, outdoors is less work.

So indoors, 50 plants maybe, outdoors 100? Just guessing though, based on extrapolation.

You will have to work extra when it comes to trimming though, those are going to be some long days without help. If you want to manually trim, that is.
When it brings in enough cash to replace your day job.
After costs/overhead

In order for you to grow enough cannabis to consume your own grow and replace your income, wouldn't you need to grow on a commercial scale and require getting a commercial license to grow/sell cannabis? Or is it such a common thing that getting legal is just for corporate entities and there are many small scale growers who grow above the legal limit and operate under the radar?
In order for you to grow enough cannabis to consume your own grow and replace your income, wouldn't you need to grow on a commercial scale and require getting a commercial license to grow/sell cannabis? Or is it such a common thing that getting legal is just for corporate entities and there are many small scale growers who grow above the legal limit and operate under the radar?

There are ways around this, like caregiver programs. In Michigan you can sell the weed for "reasonable" compensation for your time and expenses. Also we have "clubs" the state is fully aware of where people with medical cards can sell flower to anyone who walks in, for cash, not donation, most people put pricing right on the jars/bags. I quit going to clubs because people wanna pay $100/ounce because of all the illegal Cuban weed that is packed with PGRs and other chemicals. Those guys buy up all the expensive high end strains and ruin it with poison and grow using stolen electricity. IF I ever started a compassion club they and their weed would be banned from my club. Also your weed would need to pass testing to be sold in my club. Too many pieces of shit selling poison weed anymore in Michigan. The good quality weed is still 150 oz 1500lb but you acn buy plenty of Cuban/Chaldean golfball turds for $700-900 lb.
In order for you to grow enough cannabis to consume your own grow and replace your income, wouldn't you need to grow on a commercial scale and require getting a commercial license to grow/sell cannabis? Or is it such a common thing that getting legal is just for corporate entities and there are many small scale growers who grow above the legal limit and operate under the radar?
The world is a big place
When u get separate seedling/cutting, mother,father, breeding ,veg, bloom, drying spaces it gets pretty laborious. Perpetual i guess is what some call it. I do 18ish plants at a time 18 veg,(sometimes a few more so i can cull non performers if needed) and 18 in bloom, some mothers, some fathers , some pollinated etc. But when its outdoor season i’ll have even more in veg leading up to the time when they can be put outside. Grow anywhere from 4-12 outside, plus my usual indoor count. And just that amount is a fuck-ton of work, but i still work a regular fulltime job unfortunately. For now. There’s never a lack of something to do but i do have some times when the workload is light . I think to me growing will always feel less like work though, cause for now i still love it.
In order for you to grow enough cannabis to consume your own grow and replace your income, wouldn't you need to grow on a commercial scale and require getting a commercial license to grow/sell cannabis? Or is it such a common thing that getting legal is just for corporate entities and there are many small scale growers who grow above the legal limit and operate under the radar?
I think you’re right.
For me it’s still just a hobby.
There’s no market for the little guys.
I help out friends who enjoy my gear, but that doesn’t cover much.
Just puts real cash in my wallet.
But not much.
Depends on how, where and why you grow.

If its for money, thats up to you.

If its for free smoke its not that hard, especially outdoors. You can build up your own organic soil, hook up a automatic drip system and let em rip. Dont need to really do a thing until flower when you might want to juice them.

In a Mediterranean climate (SoCal and some parts of the southwest) you will prob only have to spray BT in flower as far as maintenance.

Other climates require more maintenance, such as topping and perhaps bug mitigation.

And thats it. Depending on how many plants you are allowed you could easy grow a years worth of good organic chem free weed with nowhere near what I would consider full time hours.

You would have to have 50-100 plants for that outdoors IMHO.