Ata Tundra Grow journal

Evil Buddies

Ganja King
Day one the beginning

3 of my six seeds have germinated, so i put each one in a pot. As soon as it sprout will take some pics. 6 weeks it takes to flower so hopefully by 14 weeks at have most will have some killer buds to smoke. I put an organic bonemeal feedstuff in with the soil a slow releasing food.

Thats all for now waiting for my babies to sprout and please let them be girls please.


Evil Buddies

Ganja King

Thats my grow, im growing ATA Tundra like you also i would like to see some pics of yours. Mine are 15 days old and just seem a bit small, comparing to other peoples.
If u have a look at my pics they are the same plant but mine is just over a week older than urs. Try and compare urs to mine in a weeks time. Altough i will say that mine does look bigger that urs at two weeks. What light are u using and are u giving the plant any nutes. What are u feeding it and how much light is urs getting a day. Mine is getting 17/18 hours a day and i got a fluorescent desk lamp that is 11 watts but omits the light of 90 watt bulb. These work perfect for me for vegging i got five of them and use one lamp per plant and just have the light an inch away from the plant.

I will be posting in this journal so have a look at my progress then u can see what i've been doing. And u can have a look at what ur plant will eventually look like.

Let me know as im interested in what ur doing.


Evil Buddies

Ganja King
just over two weeks flowering wont let me send pics got 2 females and 1 male collected pollen from the male then killed it. I will pollenate my skunk haze plant and the tundra just a lower branch. Got 2 skunk haze females and 1 male wil collect the pollen and kill it. Its in a different room from the females. Got one papaya plant veggin only a week old will cross the papaya with the tundra and skunk haze cross if all .goes to plan and that will be ready this time next year

Evil Buddies

Ganja King
going to harvest today letting them get their last bit of light will chop it and then hang it to dry the jar up. I will however quick dry 2 buds on my heater for sampling. Once i chop and trim will take some pics and put in my gallery im on my mobile phone and it wont let me post any thumbs anymore. But it will in my gallery

Evil Buddies

Ganja King
i tried to take some pics but my camera cant pic the close u bud shots. The hairs are a reddish brown calyxes are swollen and the pollenated buds are bursting with seeds.i just gently squeezed a bud and 2 seeds popped out. I think its ready for the chop.
Evil. Im growing ata also. Im a month in today. I kno this post is old but hopefully u still get. Im using gt ho lights. It kinda seems small for a month old but I wouldn't really kno cuz its my first grow ever. It looks healthy. Lush green color and the fan leaves are jus lookin great. Is there anything about this plant that I have to watch for like this slow grow rate or anything else? Thanx

Evil. Im growing ata also. Im a month in today. I kno this post is old but hopefully u still get. Im using gt ho lights. It kinda seems small for a month old but I wouldn't really kno cuz its my first grow ever. It looks healthy. Lush green color and the fan leaves are jus lookin great. Is there anything about this plant that I have to watch for like this slow grow rate or anything else? Thanx
