Atimi Bloomblastic V.S HOUSE AND GARDEN BUD XL


Well-Known Member
hello all, just want t here your side of the story of the two.has anyone did a side by side run with these two if so tell me the good bad and the ugly. bloomblastic is around $90.000 bud xl is about 50.00 which of the two will give you a better quality bud??
I have used bloombastic before but didn't notice much of a boost from it. I am running a full line of products ( technolfora series ) though and it may be more effective if you aren't.
update..just added bloomblastic a week ago and im like omg. time to run the co2

So the bloomblastic is working better than the H&G Bud XL and Shooting Powder? Ive heard H&G produces results that are hard to beat, especially when using the shooting powder.