bryan oconner
Well-Known Member
i bought a shit load of these i did the math on them the start up is less then a 1/4 then a t5 set up . a double light fixture for these is 10 bucks the bulbs were 4.5 some . if i bought 4 fixtures and 8 bulbs my cost is only 80 bucks ! a t5 system is 200/ 300 they sell bigger fixtures for these i like the smaller strips less wasted light . the power savings a t5 is 55 watts @ 5000 L. this bulb is 17 watts @ 2200 L so the t5 is 90.90 L per watt , the t8 led is 129.41 so it will take 18 of these bulbs to make 40000 L like a 8 bulb 8 footer set up . thats 306 watts . savings of almost a 100 watts . per set up . i have been fucking around with these bulbs for about 6 months . though now the price dropped well worth buying . its saving me about 100 bucks a month veg bill and they are very cool no heat . the t5 are hot . unless your old school and want to run every last drop of juice onto your plants thinking its going to grow faster and it wont . these t8 led rock . i know it sounds like a lot of bulbs but you do not need that many one of these to my eyes is just about as bright as a t5 sitting right next to it . i threw my spectrum meter under these surprisingly they are hitting a nice steady pattern not all chopped up like the t5 its hit and miss spectrum chart .