Attack Of The Killer Stingrays


Well-Known Member
i dont know what i would do if that happened to my mom in front of me.i dont even want to think about it


Active Member
We need to rise up against this menace! Call up the dolphin ambassador, we are going to war, and get me the Chicken of the Sea dammit, they won't be neutral this time!


Well-Known Member
The aliens put them up to it......If you would have been watching history channle at 4 am yesterday you would have known that:neutral:


Well-Known Member
lol yea , but it is really sad it happened, but thats how it had to be for some reason


Well-Known Member
I heard about what are the odds...
I'm been fishing in florida for about 15 years now
and I've seen huge rays like that even bigger...
I think ever since steve Irwin incident rays have it out for us, It's a shame they killed it.. the weirdest thing we saw was a spinner shark jumped over the front of our boat.. true story... Rays do have a mind of their own... great creatures...


Well-Known Member
i saw today where there were no puncture wounds on her. so the ray startled her and i think she fell back and hit her head. i could be wrong so let the debates begin.


Well-Known Member
well listen to this shit.I was wanting this hot chic in high school,so I took her out jet sking and she jump off the jets ski onto to a stingray the barb is clear and about 2 inches long with some poison on it and is shaped like a christmas tree.well I had to take her to the emergency room. jessica was freqing out she was saying it huts so bad and then I had to call her dad to come pick her crying doughter up ,and then he went bullistic on me.she was out for a week of shool.well anyway those fucking sting rays and manta rays dont fuck around. watch your as in the river.


Well-Known Member
i saw today where there were no puncture wounds on her. so the ray startled her and i think she fell back and hit her head. i could be wrong so let the debates begin.
They said it was like 700lbs....Boat was going 25mph it was head on she was on the front of the boat.. Just the weight of it hitting her in the face killed her instantly.


Well-Known Member
yea! she got knocked out then drowned.kinda how surefers die,get hit in the head and take a big gulp of water.


Well-Known Member
damn i didnt know they were going 25, i guess that would do it. we must wage war on the sting rays before they wipe out the planet.