Attic Grow Stunted Plants

50% perlite, 25% MG, 25% peat moss. They are in week 4 from SEED. Only the ones in the light blue buckets. They are 2 to 3 inches tall. what the fuck is going on? good ventilation (exhaust and intake), lighting is t5 high output bulbs at 6400k 18/6. I added CO2 because of the temps. The foliage is great. Color is great. height is a major issue! nutes are 15-30-15 once a week @ 50%, watering with "24 hr" tap water in between. I don't water the entire pot, just around the plant itself to eliminated waste. Also mist to recreate rain effect. I have flowers outside taller than this shit! I take care of my babies!!!! I've seen 4 week old plants and they average 2 to 4 feet tall. I feel like I'm wasting my valuable time nuturing these great looking plants...except for the height! only reply if you know what you're talking about. I notice people give fluctuating advice just to fuck growers over.



Well-Known Member
Wow, you're pretty much a dick, eh? Not you ss1 ^^^

I had several things I could say, but now I'll tell you to go read.
81!!!!!!!! It stays between 85 to 90 through out the day. I'm running 1600 ppms of CO2 so the temp does not matter at this point
I'm running CO2 @ 1600 ppms so heat which is at 85 to 90 F does not matter at this point. It gets down to 80 at night. I know this because I read. That's why this puzzle is boggling me at this point. All conditions are met. So several answers won't help. I'm following the plant life cycle and that's how I know about how to run CO2.


Active Member
Actually I couldn't enlarge the pictures big enough to see anything, I understand your frustration however you're going about getting help the wrong way. Sometimes people mess with you other times people tell you things that they believe to be fact even though they're wrong. The internet is full of jerks as you mentioned in your original post, don't be one of them.....