Attitude Account


Well-Known Member
rollitup lies too, this place is errr WARM and it all started from HERE....All I can say is watch what you say and what you post cuz this place is now called a grapevine for law enforcement. I already got a "visit" from the narcotics team and one of them slipped and said the investigation started from something online. I tried to get my account deleted, wrote 3 x to admin but got NO response UNTIL I asked on the forum but then even then I was told YOU ARE SOL, WE DONT DO THAT.

Hope you all realize ROLLITUP will not let you delete or deactivate your account, you can deactivate facebook, myspace, google,craigslist, civ3 forum and basically every other forum ive ever been to....not this place and they will ignore any request.

The only thing I put online is HERE and YOUTUBE and my youtube is private and two others from this site got busted, so guess what that means..this place is NOT SAFE. I recall FDD saying he will "sell " a pound to pay for the "party".....I have a feeling they been watching him and this place for quite a while

Nothing personal but if you met me at the BBQ and got my phone number......fuck off don't call me.

HOPE YOU READ TOS, they don't deactivate account so they can have a "BIGGER SITE" well FUCK YOU ROLLITUP>>>>>FUCK YOU.

Go ahead and delete my post but not my account, assholes.


Well-Known Member
if you are really paranoid, you can use a separate email addy and a proxy or VPN.

or, you can realize you're dumb for thinking that because your at a computer that you are anonymous. don't say anything on the computer that you wouldnt say other wise.

or don't post at all if your doing bad things ;)