Attitude no longer taking Credit Cards?


Well-Known Member
Went to place a seed order with attitude today, I have orders seeds from them every year in March or April for the past 6 -7 years with no issues. I logged into my account (still valid) filled up my cart today then went to check out and even though they had the option for CC to choose after clicking that and proceeding I got a page that said they are not taking CC at this time? Anyone else run into this issue?

Bump, did I put this in the wrong section? Since I can't seem to get attitude to take my CC any more, what does everyone suggest for a seedbank shipping to a non legal grow state?

Thanks for any replies in advance!
Bump, did I put this in the wrong section? Since I can't seem to get attitude to take my CC any more, what does everyone suggest for a seedbank shipping to a non legal grow state?

Thanks for any replies in advance!
They take CC over the phone or I just had a order delivered recently by sending cash.
I was\am a bit leary of sending almost $400 cash in the mail. I didn't know about the CC over the phone option. Thanks! Are there other options out there for CC at seed banks?
just tried to order from choice with my prepaid visa debit card but was refused? i think choice is using a different card processor than they used to before?
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I tried doing a bank transfer for my Attitude order and got to just about the end of the process then my bank said they needed a street address for the recipient not a PO Box. I can't find a street address, tried calling them to discuss as their website states open 10 - 2 on Saturdays and that is is 12:30 Got voicemail stating business hours are 8:30 to 4:30 M- F???? WTF.

attitude contact.JPG
Called back and actually got a person!!! Told them of my problem trying to do a bank transfer and asked if I could use CC. She said sure no problem. Gave her the info she stated it was declined I would need to call my CC. So I called Chase went through an automated process which took the hold off the card for that purchase (it took about 2 minutes) Called back and got the same lady. She processed the CC again and all went through. The best part is it appears I will still get the Freebies for doing a wire transfer :D

attitude1.JPG attitude2.JPG
Tried to put in an order to get like 13 or 15 freebies for short money for the last couple days, fuck attitude I didn't even need the seeds, have more than I know what to do with now, if they can't get their shit straight I don't need their bullshit, they can go the way of Bonza, jmo.
Yeah I think they did it on purpose because they didn't have all the seeds they offered on 4/20 maybe who knows? But why else would that happened just then ? not a big believer in coincidence, never using them again they can piss off
Called back and actually got a person!!! Told them of my problem trying to do a bank transfer and asked if I could use CC. She said sure no problem. Gave her the info she stated it was declined I would need to call my CC. So I called Chase went through an automated process which took the hold off the card for that purchase (it took about 2 minutes) Called back and got the same lady. She processed the CC again and all went through. The best part is it appears I will still get the Freebies for doing a wire transfer :D

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Order was in the mailbox today when I got home, can't beat that and it included the bank transfer freebies! SWEET! The shipping was pretty cool too had to do some destruction to find the seeds.