Attitude Nov Promo - A [tangerine] nightmare !

Amos Otis

Well-Known Member
Barney's Farm promo ! :spew:

December will be the next major one, then on their birthday in Feb I think...

Their promos have been lame lately and the ufo's haven't changed ina while. .. I'm starting to get duplicates. And i hate autos ha...

But sometimes they have killer promos... I got in on their Oct promo for the emerald triangle and rare dankness
December will be the next major one, then on their birthday in Feb I think...

Their promos have been lame lately and the ufo's haven't changed ina while. .. I'm starting to get duplicates. And i hate autos ha...

But sometimes they have killer promos... I got in on their Oct promo for the emerald triangle and rare dankness
I stiffed myself on the October promo. I thought I'd missed the promo by 2 days, at least by the dates on the website, but at the checkout, all the freebies were showing. Bonus, thinks I, but I'd better check. Emailed, and got confirmation that if it was on the list, they'd ship it. Went back to pay and all the freebies had disappeared.
I wasn't really after the freebies anyway, but when your order drops from 14 odd seeds to 7 for the same price it does sting a little bit!