Attitude or herbies, what kind of prepaid card


Active Member
Hey guys few questions and some advice. So I know someone that used attitude no problem, Ive been doing some homework seems herbies is passing through customs easier lately, any input? Also has anyone used a prepaid card for either company and what kind? I know it has to be international but on herbies site it says something about having to put bank info in of you use a prepaid, if that's the case I'd rather use my credit card... They don't take western union which kinda makes things tough, it said a postal check or cash.

On that note how sketch is it to use my credit card and make life easy? Prob is I have to send them to my address or a PO box, what's the point using a Po box if it has all my info.. But I'm only looking to put a very small order in like 5 pick and mixes, not doing it for cash crop and should have no reason other than ordering seeds to be "watched"

I'm so sketched out ordering to my home as is and I read that post about the due in michigan I know he was making wax but....

Btw it would be going through customs on the east coast.

Thanks I'm advance
a Visa or mastercard will be fine just make sure you send them to one of your mates place that doesn't grow or someone in your family don't shit in your own back yard good luck
Awesome thanks for the reply. That's what I was thinking. I'm having a problem finding someplace to send them.

I send them to family or a friend they're gonna wanna know what's getting sent before hand and if I just send it they're gonna open it. I've kept my growing a secret for years to say safe but I also never need beans.

Any options for this situation lol feel like anyone I heard get nabbed told one person that told someone's cousins brother etc etc so.. Yah that's my ordeal
Herbies will take MoneyGram though. Just email em and ask em the details and how to fill it out. It's buried in their other payment options methods. You can find an MG place just about anywhere if you're in the states. Not sure about elsewhere. Wal-Mart to.
Cool thanks yeah I saw that in the paying options but never did a money gram so need to get the details.

Anybody have advice for someone that has no place else to have them mailed other than my place/where I grow... It's gonna be such a small scale should I really be paranoid?
Just used herbies and had no issues at all,also have used attitude in the past.I've always used my green dot visa pre paid CreditCard.just call customer service and tell them u want to use it international.also I have a relative that my order goes to.sounds like a lot of.bull shirt but it's really not.what never had any problems with sending to my own address.good luck. Peace and goodwill
It's easy peasy. Like a western union order. Different company though. You'll probably just have to fill it out to the shop name Hocus Pocus. They'll just have to go pick it up and make sure all the payment amount is accurate. So it might take a day or so for them to sort it out. Filling one out though consists of going to a center. You put your name on the form and the receivers name. The clerk inputs it and gives you a confirmation #. Then you're done. Takes 5 minutes.
Very cool! Love this forum everyone is super helpful. So with the money gram I'm not actually mailing it? It's digital? Yeah I read that you have to put hocus pocus as there name. I've been reading even more on this and it seems using your own cc for 5 beans isn't gonna have dea at my door (but they can) but really there's little kids ODing on H and oxys every week around me, if there gonna harass me for my head smoke then this country's priorities are really Fd which again wouldn't really surprise me lol