I already voted absentee.
There are no pro-cannabis candidates of substance.
They don't want to talk about it.
I voted against the antis' DIA and the local police and fire millage renewal.
I used to mindlessly vote yes on that stuff.
But as soon as I saw L.Brooks Paterson was backing the DIA thing I decided to stiff him.
I could care less about the DIA - never been there - been to others like it around country and never had a desire to go to DIA.
But - I'm not against DIA - just against it's backers.
So fuck them.
All that culture at the DIA and Orchestra Hall didn't do a damn thing to save Detroit from utter destruction the last few decades.
It won't bring it back to it's old staid glory either.
Detroit is hard core working man and ex-con.
There's no time for the Grant Park's of the world in a city that is begging for money to tear down abandoned buildings by the tens of thousands.
Everything is broken down there - including the culture.
Fancy artwork is just not a priority for people who seek change and government that works.
The city, County, and School District are all bankrupt or nearly so.
The streetlights haven't worked for decades.
The politicians are on trial for bribery and corruption.
We don't gotta have art.